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"I am not 'your highness' but 'sir," replied Chemerant; "speak, I am listening." "Well, then, my good sir, I arrived at St. Pierre with a cargo, a very rich cargo of sugar, coffee, pepper, cloves, tafia " "I do not need to know the inventory of your cargo; what do you want?"

Let one judge of the spectacle which caused the confusion of De Chemerant, and the rage, not feigned but sincere, even cruel, of Croustillac, who, as we have said, passionately loved Blue Beard, devoted himself generously for her, and was not in the secret of the prince's different disguises.

"You are accused of having knowingly and wickedly deceived Monsieur de Chemerant, who is charged with a mission of state for the king, our master." "It is De Chemerant who deceived himself; he called me 'your highness, and I innocently answered to the name."

"Zounds, sir; without offense, I must say you are as pig-headed in your generosity as that Flemish bear was insupportable with his everlasting dagger. Come, let us reason together. What you most desire, is it not, is to save me from prison?" "Doubtless." "Now I do not think you are very anxious to abandon the duchess. Well, by telling De Chemerant who you are, would you save me?

Then, turning with an air of reconsidering, and desiring to make a master stroke, Croustillac said, "In fact, if you will be present at this interview, Monsieur De Chemerant, the punishment of this guilty couple will be complete." "Oh, sir, in pity do not condemn me to such a depth of shame and humiliation," cried Angela, in despairing tones.

While the Duke of Monmouth and his wife, informed by Father Griffen of the infamous treachery of Croustillac, were seeking to escape this new danger, we will return to the adventurer, who, carelessly leaning on the arm of De Chemerant, climbed the steep ascent of Devil's Cliff. Colonel Rutler, furious at having been thwarted in his attempt, was led away by a guard of two soldiers.

He began to ask me some very embarrassing questions as to you and your wife, my lord, when all at once, at some distance, we heard a loud voice cry, 'Who goes there? 'An agent of France, replied De Chemerant.

"I understand you, your highness; I see perfectly; but that will be terrible," said De Chemerant, who thought that Croustillac intended to starve his wife and the mulatto. "Terrible! you have said it, sir. All that I ask of you, and as a witness of my injury you cannot refuse me, is to give me the necessary assistance in order to conduct this guilty pair on board one of my ships.

At last Captain Ralph came to say a word in the ear of the prince; the latter gave a new order in a low voice and with a radiant air. "Your highness, they are about launching the long boat," said De Chemerant, who was burning with impatience to see the duke on board. "It is useless, sir," said the duke.

The governor, profiting by a moment during which the adventurer cast a melancholy glance at the window, striving to see whether it would serve his purpose, said in a low tone to De Chemerant, "I expected to see a lady, sir. This litter that you brought with you " "Well, baron, you unfortunately counted without your hostess."