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Jimmie found that he could not bear to work in one farmhouse where there were children; and when he told the farmer's wife the reason, he and the woman declared a temporary truce to the class-war, and celebrated it with half a large apple- pie. The Socialists held a National Convention at St. Louis, and drew up their declaration concerning the war.

Thus Mac would know who had framed him up; and what would Mac do to Peter when he got out on bail? When Peter thought of things like that he realized what it meant to go to war; he saw that he had gained nothing by staying at home, he might as well have been in the front-line trenches! After all, this was war, class-war; and in all war the penalty for spying is death,

Yet now is the time that has been chosen by some of these pensive gentlemen that I spoke of, and by some of these excitable journalists, to threaten us with class-war, and to try to make our flesh creep by conjuring up the horrors of revolution. I advise them to take their opinions to the third-class compartment and discuss them there.

These are my reflections, or these try to be my reflections when I consider the Syndicalist how he grows or when I look up and see a class-war socialist an Upton Sinclair banging loosely about the world.

Masses of the laboring class believe that a great class-war is not only inevitable but desirable. Such conflicts, however, besides their material losses, engender hatred, cruelty, lust, greed, and all sorts of other forms of immorality.

While the labouring people, on their side, betray little or no class feeling of hostility towards employers, the converse is not true, but jealousy, suspicion, some fear the elements of bitter class-war, in fact frequently mark the attitude of middle-class people towards the labouring class. It seems to be forgotten that the men are English.

He had thought that he was being educated, when in reality he was being held back and fenced off from truth. It was a world-wide conspiracy it was that very class-war which the established order was waging upon these men and their ideas! Section 10. It was not difficult for any one to understand the ideas, if he really wished to.

Hal could not have said anything now, if he had wished to. He knew that this was what he had come to seek! This was the naked soul of the class-war! "Now," concluded Mary, with clenched hands, and a voice that corresponded, "now, I've had it out. I'm no slave; I've just as good a right to life as any lady.

Not an exchange on business principles, such as propaganda in satisfaction of demands, or curiosity on one side for a new pastime on the other, but a covenant. This, however, is only practicable if the class-war, as an end in itself, is put a stop to. The great change itself cannot be come by so cheaply; it demands other assumptions, of which we shall have something to say later.

This recrudescence of class-war brought one calamity after another upon the states of Greece calamities that occur and will continue to occur as long as human nature remains what it is, however they may be modified or occasionally mitigated by changes of circumstance.