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Lest you should think him less lovable than he really was, I must add that, when Chip set him down hastily so that he himself could rush off somewhere and laugh in secret, the Kid spread his arms with a little chuckle and rushed straight at his Doctor Dell and gave her a real bear hug.

The pathetical-comical expression of a pretty woman in danger of using elementary means to dry her tears, made Dick Bellamy chuckle with laughter of a quality that Amaryllis had not heard from him before, while he chose the least rumpled handkerchief from his stock of four, and shook it open for her.

In the long after years at Florence, Powers and I had many a laugh together over his reminiscences of the scenes that occurred in that exhibition-room, all of which he remembered as well as if the incidents had happened but a year before, and would chuckle over with as much enjoyment as he did at the time of their occurrence.

The second day she remarked to Jack Hemingway, her husband, that Loretta was so innocent a young thing that were it not for her sweet guilelessness she would be positively stupid. In proof of which, Mrs. Hemingway told her husband several things that made him chuckle. By the third day Mrs. Hemingway's plan had taken recognizable form. Then it was that she composed a letter.

"I don't care about Ramos and your whims, Garman," Payne interrupted. "Of course not. Why should you? But I'd be bored to death down here if I didn't have people to play with " "Rot! You aren't the playing kind." "My dear fellow," said Garman with a deep chuckle, "if I didn't have lives to play with other people's lives I'd die of boredom.

At the word "water" the listener gave a curious gibbering chuckle, unclasped his hands from his knees, and crept further towards the speaker. "And the current is setting us down to it, wind or no wind. I believe we'll see this pleasure-trip through, after all" and the black lips parted in a hideous grimace.

"You're a competent judge, sir, I suppose." "Tolerable," he responded, with a chuckle. "So good a judge that I've kep' single all my life." "Where did you come from?" asked the girl. "From out on the coast," tossing his grizzled head toward the west. "What brought you back here, after all these years?" "Family affection, I guess. Wanted to find out what folks yet belonged to me."

The tone in which this was uttered caused Captain Dan to chuckle. "'Tis strange, I'll give in," he remarked, drily. "No accountin' for taste, is there Well," his gravity returning, "I suppose likely you realize that her mother and I think consider'ble of her." "I realize that thoroughly." "You don't realize it as much as you will some day, perhaps. Yes, we think Gertie's about right.

I had got so far, absorbingly, spiritually interested, when I heard a laugh, a long, low chuckle, that seemed to come from the darkest and most remote corner of the room. A cold paroxysm froze my body, the book slid from my hands, and I sat upright in my chair, every faculty within me acutely alert and active.

Happily, just then Gladys returned for her boots, and in her mild excitement over having a companion to walk with, she did not observe the very curious look on her uncle's face. But Liz did, and gave an inward chuckle. 'How's your father and mother? he asked, making the commonplace question a cover for the start he had got. 'Oh, they're as well as they can expect to be, Liz replied.