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Next thing, this child-woman, this mysterious mind of mixed precocity and innocence, would be showing that she had guessed a Cousin Nell. "You are far too modest," interrupted he with a flirtatious smile. "You didn't realize how strong an impression you made. No, I really broke my leg. Don't you suppose I knew the twenty-five in the pocketbook wouldn't carry you far?"

Her face took on a new and finer beauty; into his face came a tenderness that was most becoming to its rather rugged features. And he had not talked with her long before he discovered that he was facing not a child, not a child-woman, but a woman grown, one who could understand and appreciate the things men and women of experience say and do.

The girl looked at her, and for an instant the vision of the shy, drooping little woman figuring in a runaway match filled her with a desire for laughter. But it was quenched the next instant by the gravity of the situation. What did Elsie know of this man, after all? What if the innocent little child-woman were being deceived!

"In green underwood and cover Blossom by blossom the spring begins." Marie too, the child-woman, standing in her doorway, felt the thrill of new life; heard whispers of joy, but knew not what they meant; saw a radiance in the air that was not all sunlight; was conscious of a warmth at her heart which she had never known in her merriest days. What did it all mean?

More than once she had answered it with superior little, child-woman smiles which had sent him marching, white of face and lip, back through the hedge gap, never realizing herself that her own pique sprang from the belief that his promises of conquest dealt only with material things splendidly visioned, most vaguely detailed conquests which set his eyes afire but seemed to hold no place for the feminine of her.

She cast her childhood off like a disguise I saw another man look at her and I saw her look at him! Something was born in me then after all the slow, sombre years and I wanted love! I think a madness overcame me, for, blinded and almost beside myself I spoke to her that child-woman, and told her how it was with me. She is the sort that wins your heart secrets by a glance of her tender eyes.

With moist eyes he looked up at the dark house on the hill and pledged loyalty to the child-woman, knowing that he loved her. But that the love was the love that mates man and woman for the struggles, the prizes, the woes, and the contentment of life he was not sure for he still looked on Clare Kavanagh as more child than woman. Marriage seemed yet a long way ahead of him.

The characters that figure in this second part most of whom have had their training in the first form a society whose principle of union is self-renunciation and a life of beneficent activity.... The most fascinating character in "Wilhelm Meister" the wonder and delight of the reader is Mignon, the child-woman, a pure creation of Goethe's genius, without a prototype in literature.

I trembled when I heard the patter of little feet down the dusty road, and saw the growing row of dark solemn faces and bright eager eyes facing me. First came Josie and her brothers and sisters. The longing to know, to be a student in the great school at Nashville, hovered like a star above this child-woman amid her work and worry, and she studied doggedly.

There was now a look of wild, natural beauty that had not been fettered by rules of fashion or style; no attempt at effect in the plain, simple costume that clung so becomingly to her svelte figure. No artful use was made of those perfect features; she looked like a child-woman so sweet, so innocent, so simple, and yet so grand, so sad, so serious.