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That which seemed impossible to man proved to be child's-play in the hands of woman. Winnie solved the difficulty by suggesting that they should all return to the Cocos-Keeling Islands and dwell together there for evermore! Let us drop in on them, good reader, at a later period, have a look at them, and bid them all good-bye.

What Germany did to the treaty that guaranteed Belgium's neutrality was child's-play compared to what the governments of the warring nations have done to their covenants with their own people. And if anybody should ask you, you can safely promise them that several million soreheads like myself are what the politicians call 'a menace to the established social order'."

As you say, he's a fool, a silly, trusting ass, the sort of man who is child's-play to a girl of sixteen. If you must have a string of loafers to prove that your attractions outwear anno domini, I must accept Hartley, and other Hartleys, so long as you continue to play the same game. Hartleys, I said, Clarice." There was no doubt about the emphasis he laid upon the name. "You flatter Mr.

I also knew how to take up a position for a division, or even an army corps, but the stupid little subaltern's game of the defence of a drift with a small detachment was, curiously enough, most perplexing. I had never really considered such a thing. However, in the light of my habitual dealings with army corps, it would, no doubt, be child's-play after a little thought.

Behind this counter stood the two ubiquitous ladies of the Institute acting the part of barmaids, as if to the manner born, and with the same business-like, active, yet modest, ready-for-anything air which marked all their proceedings. And truly their post was no sinecure. To supply the demands of hundreds of hungry and thirsty warriors was not child's-play.

To him the life devoted exclusively to physical objects, to the acquisition of wealth or fame, appears the merest child's-play a senseless sacrifice of all that is really worth having for the sake of a few moments' gratification of the lower part of his nature.

"That I have every one's implicit obedience. I may nay, I shall give orders that will be irksome and at the same time hard to understand. I may be unable to give you my reasons for them; or able to give you none beyond the general warning that we are after treasure, and I never yet heard of a treasure-hunt that was child's-play."

On the other hand, that this mode of sieging by red-hot balls seems a little unusual; for the rest, that he has himself no order or intention but that of resisting to the last. Some say the Drum hereupon by order talked of 'pounding Neisse into powder, mere child's-play hitherto; to which Roth answered only by respectful dumb-show. "SATURDAY, 21st-MONDAY, 23d.

Any danger, any immediate certainty, would have been child's-play; but to have gone up into that frightful college, and there to have remained through that year, which would have wasted itself so slowly, and yet so fast, that would have required a heroism which, as I think, no Greek, no Roman, no Englishman ever possessed." Then he paused, and I was aware that I had overstayed my time.

Why, it's child's-play, my darlin'. But I didn't look for tragedy to-night. Sleep in this house I can't, my love!" Lucy was astonished. "Not sleep here, Mrs. Berry? Oh! why, you silly old thing? I know." "Do ye!" said Mrs. Berry, with a sceptical nose. "You're afraid of ghosts." "Belike I am when they're six foot two in their shoes, and bellows when you stick a pin into their calves.