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At length Dan Anderson turned his face to the top of old Carrizo, the restful, the impassive. He gazed long without speaking, as though he plainly saw something there at the mountain top. "Listen," he whispered to me, a moment later, and his eyes did not quite keep back the tears. "She's there the Goddess. The Law has come to Heart's Desire. May God forgive me!

As the wild, gibbering chorus rose and quavered back from the cliffs the cowmen at Carrizo glanced up from their supper and swore, and in the general preoccupation Hardy put down his plate and slipped away to the corral. He was sitting on the fence listening to the mad yelping of the coyotes and watching the shadows gather among the peaks, when Creede strolled over and joined him.

Dully he watched it, and for him it was the flaming sword barring the gates of Eden. Hours later for sleep was not for him Dan Anderson stood waiting for the sun to rise over old Carrizo. Far off, along the pathway of the morn, lay his former home, the States, the East, the fight, the combat, and the grovelling. "No, not for me; not there!" he said, conviction coming to him once more.

"Nice way to act, ain't it, when you're ast out to dinner in the best society of the place? Tell a feller he's shy on facts, when all he's handin' out is just the plain, unfreckled truth, for onct at least. We got oysters, four cans of 'em, and done had 'em for a month. They're up there." He jerked a thumb toward the top of old Carrizo Mountain. I looked at the snow, and in a flash comprehended.

"'Lie still, says I, 'and meditate on the exigencies and irregularities of life till I get back. "I went to a shack in Aguas Frescas where a mighty wise girl named Timotea Carrizo lived with her mother. The girl was just about as nice as you ever saw. In the States she would have been called a brunette; but she was better than a brunette I should say she was what you might term an ecru shade.

There, indeed, was cold storage, the only cold storage possible in Heart's Desire! "Tom Osby brought 'em down from Vegas the last time he come down," said Curly. "They're there, sir, four cans of 'em. You know where the Carrizo spring is? Well, there's a snowbank in that cañon, about two hundred yards off to the left of the spring. The oysters is in there. Keep? They got to keep!

As fate would have it, he had caught Willie in his wanderings and had done some questioning on his own account. Willie escaped alive, and presently left town. Whereafter Dan Anderson, half dazed, walked out into the foot-hills, seeking the court of old Carrizo, to try there his own case, as he had promised; and that of the woman as well.

A Duck Hunt. "How they hoont Ducks in the ould Counthry." A Bath. Arrive at Yuma. Crossing the Desert. Terrible Suffering. Carrizo Creek, and the "Thirst of the Gazelle." Jerry's Story. Angels. Arrival at San Diego. Good News. A Stock Ranche. Mrs. Hyde that is to be. An Invitation from Old Jerry. "Boys, the mustangs will be up from the range this morning.

In the settlement of what now is southern Navajo County, the Mormon settlers a bit overran the present line of the Apache Indian reservation, where they located early in 1878 upon what now is known as Forest Dale Creek, a tributary of Carrizo Creek.

The camp was dismantled, the packs were loaded upon the spare horses, and the outfit was ready to start for Carrizo Creek before breakfast was more than finished in the ranch house. After a final survey to make sure that nothing had been overlooked in the scuffle, the rodéo boss waved his hand to the leaders; then, as the train strung out up the cañon, he rode over to the house to say good-bye.