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There are three distinct languages the Bari, the Latooka, and the Madi, the latter country extending south of Obbo. A few of the words, most commonly in use, will exemplify them : Obbo. Latooka. Bari. Water. Fee. Cari. Feeum. Fire. Mite. Nyeme. Keemang. The Sun. T'sean. Narlong. Karlong. A Cow. Decang. Nyeten. Kittan. A Goat. Decan. Nyene. Eddeen. Milk. T'sarck. Nalle. Le. A Fowl. Gweno. Nakome.

Were the King of England to visit these cari Bolognese, surely they would shew him Westminster Bridge, with a view of the Archbishop's palace at Lambeth on one side the river, and Somerset-house on the other.

Ah! dimmi, hai scôrto Come fur vinte dall' affetto allora Che t'udii favellar soave e piana, Coll' angelica voce e l'umiltade, Che a' suoi più cari sapïenza insegna? Questa, io dicea tra me, questa è Colei, Di che le mille volte udito ho il nome Venerato suonar tra i più famosi? Questa è Colei che negli eterei spazj Segue il cammin degli astri, e ne misura Peso, moto, distanza, orbita e luce?

On the north side, the first river that falleth into the Orenoque is Cari. Beyond it, on the same side is the river of Limo. Between these two is a great nation of Cannibals, and their chief town beareth the name of the river, and is called Acamacari.

There is no action or imagination of mine wherein I do not miss him; as I know that he would have missed me: for as he surpassed me by infinite degrees in virtue and all other accomplishments, so he also did in the duties of friendship: "Quis desiderio sit pudor, aut modus Tam cari capitis?" "O misero frater adempte mihi!

'Quis desiderio sit pudor aut modus Jam cari capitis which means, 'How can I make up my mind to see you go up stairs?" Belle-bouche cast a tender glance at Jacques. Sir Asinus continued: "Yes, yes, I see you pity him. But you should pity me." "Why?" "Your watch-paper you remember; the one which you cut for me?" "Yes."

He found himself therefore saying, with gaiety, even to Fanny Assingham, for their common, concerned glance at Eaton Square, the glance that was so markedly never, as it might have been, a glance at Portland Place: "What WOULD our cari sposi have made of it here? what would they, you know, really?" which overflow would have been reckless if, already, and surprisingly perhaps even to himself, he had not got used to thinking of this friend as a person in whom the element of protest had of late been unmistakably allayed.

The Llanos or steppes of the Lower Orinoco and of the Meta, like the deserts of Africa, bear different names in different parts. From the mouths of the Dragon the Llanos of Cumana, of Barcelona, and of Caracas or Venezuela,* follow, running from east to west. The Llanos of Cumana and New Andalusia include those of Maturin and Terecen, of Amana, Guanipa, Jonoro, and Cari.

3 mo. 1. This morning we set out for a ride about nine miles up the mountains to a village called Cari

The gentleman was no stranger; he was an old pupil evidently, come to see if any of his old comrades remained, and revisit the cari luoghi of his youth. Champion was evidently proud of his arm-fellow, he espied his brother, young Champion, and introduced him. "Come here, sir," he called. "The young 'un wasn't here in your time, Davison."