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Just at that moment another head rose above the gunwale of the canoe from the outside; but that was black as jet; and what should I see but Dicky Popo's astonished countenance, his ivory teeth gleaming whitely as his mouth distended from ear to ear. "Oh, ky! cappen and you, Massa Rayner where you come from?" he exclaimed, as he rested on his elbows before getting into the canoe.

"I've a-heered that style of talk many times afore," Master Tugwell answered, solidly; "and all I can say is that I should have punched his head. And you deserve the same thing, Charley Bowles, unless you've got more than that to tell us." "So I might, Cappen, and I won't deny you there.

"Why, how came you to know that?" asked the captain, somewhat perplexed and thrown off his guard. "Ho! ho!" laughed Ebony in a subdued voice, "how I comes to know dat, eh? I come to knows many t'ings by putting dis an' dat togider. You's cappen ob man-ob-war. Well, you no comes here for notting. Well, Rosco de pirit, de horroble scoundril, hims lib here. Ob course you come for look for him.

"Help yourself, Finnegan," said the captain, extending the bottle; "take a good drink a last one." Finnegan took the equivalent of three. "Now, up with you." The captain stood the bottle under the binnacle. "Upper top. Report to Mr. Bates." "Cappen, please send me down to the turret where I b'long, sir. I'm all right now. I don't want to go up there wi' the sogers. I'm not good at machine-guns."

Pompey and Dan started as soon as it was dark, carrying loads, which they intended to hide near where the canoe was drawn up. "We carry all de tings dere first," he said, "and den you, cappen, and mudder, and Tim, come along, and we shove off widout delay."

My cousin Wiccanish sell him the ground, and Cappen Gray bring all his goods from the ship, and put them in the fort for winter. Our young men were lazy, and had not many skins to sell; but they wanted Cappen Gray's goods; they liked the firewater a heap. So the young men they say, 'kill Cappen Gray, and take his goods. My cousin say, 'no; that a heap bad. Nittinat say that bad too.

"How is that for Yankee shrewdness?" asked a muffled voice under a hat; to which, however, I paid no attention. "You speak of the white chiefs fighting about land. Did they ever use their big guns on each other? Tell me what you remember about the white men who came here in ships, long ago." "After Cappen Cook go 'way, long time, come Spanish ship, King George ship, Boston ship.

He's werry shy about it, is the Cappen, an' wouldn't for the world say a word if he thought any one was near; but when he thinks he's alone with Antoine that's our guide, you know he sometimes lets fly a broadside o' French that well-nigh takes my breath away."

The next gives the same dramatic conflict, while its detached and impersonal refrain gives it strikingly the character of the Scotch and Scandinavian ballads. "Cry holy, holy! Look at de people dat is born of God. And I run down de valley, and I run down to pray, Says, look at de people dat is born of God. When I get dar, Cappen Satan was dar, Says, look at, &c.

I must take my rifle, but how am I to keep it dry? there's not time to make a raft." "No raff need, cappen; givee me you gun Saloo swim single-hand well as two; he cally the gun." Captain Redwood knew it to be true that Saloo, as he said, could swim with one hand as well as he himself with both. He was a Malay, to whom swimming in the water is almost as natural as walking upon the land.