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The cablegram said it might have been brought to this country. My collection will never be complete without that picture. Well, so long, gents; us financiers must keep early hours." Mr. Morgan and Klein went away together in a cab. Me and Silver talked about how simple and unsuspecting great people was; and Silver said what a shame it would be to try to rob a man like Mr.

Cartwright shivered, but reflected that Davies, fighting the snow and gale, was no doubt colder. For a day or two he must bear the suspense, and then, if no cablegram arrived, he could take it for granted that Oreana had reached the Atlantic. After dinner he sat by the fire and smoked while Mrs. Cartwright knitted. "In the afternoon I went to Mrs. Oliver's and met Mrs. Seaton," she said presently.

'Do you think that would be a safe way to act if she came and said she would take the money for not sending the cablegram? Don't you think it would be better to pay her and trust to her honour? Kenyon laughed. 'I do not think I would trust much to her honour. 'Now, do you know, I have a different opinion of her. I feel sure that if she said she would do a thing, she would do it.

"Cosgrove has hurried it to me." Crossing to my desk he ran a knife under the flap and drew out a cablegram, glanced at it an instant, then, gave it to me without comment. It was in cipher, of course; but, below it, Cosgrove had written the translation. It read: "Individual named was killed last week by car at Twenty-third Street and Broadway. Character and reputation only ordinary.

There was a paragraph stating that Lady Tallant's health had not improved since her arrival in England, and hinting at the likelihood of an operation being advisable. Bridget reflected, however, that Sir Luke would probably have received a cablegram by this time, one way or other which would have put him out of suspense, and, presumably, there had been no later bad news.

Only a day later, however, a second cablegram warned ominously of the urgent need of the Faith’s senior institutions to act in concert to protect it from new dangers that the Guardian perceived to be gathering on the horizon.

Four of the wells "came in tremendous," but they had managed to get them sealed after wasting he was "sorry to think how many thousand barrels of oil." The fifth well was so enormous that they had not been able to seal it at the time of the speaker's departure for America. "But I had a cablegram this morning," he added, "letting me know they've managed to do it at last. Here is, the cablegram."

Has anything happened to Kenneth?" "No no; of course not." Quickly changing the subject he asked: "You got a message." "Yes a cablegram. It came just now." "Have you got it? Let me see it." "Yes, certainly," said Helen, looking around for the dispatch. Unable to find it, she called to her sister. "Ray, dear, what did you do with Kenneth's cablegram?"

Conditions in Manila Province, as distinguished from Manila City, left much to be desired. Admiral Dewey made a statement applicable to the territory adjacent to the city and bay of Manila in a cablegram to Washington dated October 14, 1898, which reads as follows:

Luttrell looked curiously at his companion, wondering what manner of man he had been in his twenties. Hardiman answered the look with a laugh. "Oh, I, too, had my ambitions once." Luttrell folded the cablegram which Hardiman had written out and placed it in the breast pocket of his dinner-jacket. "I will talk to Stella to-night at dinner.