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"I did, M'sieur. Enough I confess!" The words were a whisper. "Did Colonel Pennington suggest it to you?" "He want ze burl. By gar, I do not want to fell zat tree " "That's all I want to know." Stooping, Bryce seized Rondeau by the nape of the neck and the slack of his overalls, lifted him shoulder- high and threw him, as one throws a sack of meal, full at Colonel Pennington.

"You can't see them now," said Burl Van Vedder, our outlook; "but wait a few minutes and they'll come up on higher ground. Here, here, you are looking a mile too far to the right they're not following the cattle, but the wagon's trail. Keep your eyes to the left of that shale outcropping, and on a line with that lone tree on the Saw Log.

The section of burl was gone, and this argued that the question of spite had been purely a matter of secondary consideration. Evidently, Bryce reasoned, someone had desired that burl redwood greatly, and that someone had not been Jules Rondeau, since a woods- boss would not be likely to spend five minutes of his leisure time in consideration of the beauties of a burl table-top or panel.

Several trail stories of more or less interest were told, when Runt Pickett, in order to avoid the smoke, came over and sat down between Burl Van Vedder and me. He had had an experience, and instantly opened on us at short range. "Speaking of stampedes," said Runt, "reminds me of a run I was in, and over which I was paid by my employer a very high compliment.

What Bryce could not understand, however, was the stupid brutality of the raiders in felling the tree merely for that section of burl.

During the forenoon Burl Van Vedder and Vick Wolf "spelled" Flood and myself for half an hour at a time, or until we could recover from the nauseous fumes. When the cook called us to dinner, we had turned out nearly five hundred branded cattle.

His fervour brought it home to his audiences as a fact; he set the recognition of that responsibility forwards as the prime duty of the citizen, sneering at the parochial notion of politics. Mr. Burl shook his head over Drake's method of fighting the battle, and hinted more than once at the necessity of that lecture upon morals. Drake not only refused to reconsider it, but flatly forbade Mr.

"No pitiful human being can pay in dollars and cents for the wanton destruction of God's handiwork. You wanted that burl and when my father was blind and could no longer make his Sunday pilgrimage up to that grove, your woods-boss went up and stole that which you knew you could not buy." "That will be about all from you, young man. Get out of my office.

They tak', say, for instance, a burl maple bird's eye they call it in the factory, because it's full o' wee knots and twists that look like the eye of a bird. They saw it out in sheets no muckle thicker than writin' paper. Then they make up the funiture out of cheaper wood and cover it with the maple veneer, they call it. When it's all done and polished ye never saw onythin' grander.

'Look here; I am not asking you to do anything so crude as to make platform speeches about the man's disgraceful conduct to his wife. Mr. Burl assumed the look of a Rhadamanthus. 'But' and again he relaxed into the tactician 'you might take a strong social line on morals generally, and the domestic hearth, and that sort of thing. He looked critically at Drake.