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I could hear the shouts of my comrades; the voices of Saint Vrain and Gode, the latter calling out "Sacr-r-re! monsieur; prenez garde des buffles!" I saw that they had drawn the horses, and were hurrying them under the bluff. I sprang to my feet, flinging aside my blanket. A fearful spectacle was before me. Away to the west, as far as the eye could reach, the prairie seemed in motion.

And his questions were echoed by the others, who at this moment were shaking me by the hand, as if they had not seen me for a twelvemonth. Gode seemed to be the most perplexed man of the party. "Mon Dieu! run over; tramp by von million buffles, et ne pas mort! 'Cr-r-re matin!" "We were hunting for your body, or rather, the fragments of it," said Saint Vrain.

They make some cakes of rice. Hither to Iamahey come many marchants out of China, and bring great store of muske, golde, siluer, and many other things of China worke. Here is great store of victuals: they haue such plenty that they will not milke the buffles, as they doe in all other places. Here is great store of copper and beniamin.

"We had searched every foot of the prairie for a mile round, and had almost come to the conclusion that the fierce brutes had eaten you up." "Eat monsieur up! No! tre million buffles no him eat. Mon Dieu! Ha, Sleep-head!" This exclamation of the Canadian was addressed to Hibbets, who had failed to warn my comrades of where I lay, and thus placed me in such a dangerous predicament.

Pour le transport de leurs marchandises, les habitans se servent de boeufs et de buffles, comme nous nous servons de chevaux. Ils les emploient aussi en montures; et j'en ai vu des troupes dans lesquelles les uns étoient chargés de marchandises, et les autres étoient montés. Le seigneur de ce pays étoit Ramedang, prince riche, brave et puissant.

Wherupon presently, the fift day of April 1585. in the morning we ranne from thence. Hee hath many Gentiles in his court and they be great idolaters. And they haue their idols standing in the Woods, which they call Pagodes. Some bee like a Cowe, some like a Monkie, some like Buffles, some like peacockes, and some like the deuill. Here be very many elephants which they goe to warre withall.

Here also every noone he looketh forth to behold Tamâshâh, or fighting of Elephants, Lyons, Buffles, killing of Deare with Leopards, which is a custom on every day of the weeke, Sunday excepted, on which is no fighting; but Tuesday, on the contrary, is a day of blood, both of fighting beasts, and justiced men, the King judging and seeing executions." The Dîwan-i-âm.

I heard it from Old Bill Buffles at the club while we were smoking between a peg and a hot weather dawn. I was delighted with this. Another time he wrote a parody of Myers' "St. Paul" for me. I will only quote one verse out of the eight: Lo! what the deuce I'm always saying "Lo!" for God is aware and leaves me uninformed.

The King went with more state then the King of Bantam: all his garde had pikes with heades of fine gold, and he sate in a wagon that that was drawen by two white Buffles. The first of March we had a calme. The third we got a good wind, that blew Southeast, holding our course West South West. The 22. of March the winde helde as it did, being vnder 19. degrees, holding our course West South West.

"Dans ces mêmes dépôts sableux et souvent limoneux, gisent les restes des grands animaux de l'Inde: ces ossemens d'éléphans, de rhinocéros, de buffles monstrueux, dont on déterre tous les jours un si grand nombre, et qui font l'admiration des curieux. En Sibérie, l'on