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A. Guyot, and of his talented nephew, E. Sandoz, are a sufficient guarantee of the accuracy and excellence of this useful work. A BUDGET OF FUN FOR LITTLE FOLKS. By AUNT MAGGIE. Boston: Loring, publisher, 319 Washington street. JEAN BELIN; or, The Adventures of a Little French Boy. By ALFRED DE BREHAT. Translated from the French. Boston: Loring, publisher, 319 Washington street.

Passing inside the Chausey Islands, breakfast-time the next morning found us off the town, in the harbour of which we saw a number of small fishing and coasting craft, but nothing of importance; we therefore hauled up to the westward, set our topgallantsails, and boarded the fore and main tacks, in order to work out clear of Brehat and secure a good offing; for the glass was dropping, the breeze freshening, there was a "greasy" look about the sky to windward that seemed to portend a blow, and we were on a lee-shore.

I have thought of her much more frequently since, and when it pleased God to give me a daughter I named her Noémi. The world in its progress cares little more how many it crushes than the car of the idol of Juggernaut. The whole of the ancient society which I have endeavoured to portray has disappeared. Bréhat has passed out of existence.

Despatching the Liberty to reconnoitre St. Maloes, he proceeded to Jersey, and, having reconnoitred Granville, returned to Guernsey Roads on the 28th of November, when he detached the Lion with pilots to the admiral; and, pursuant to orders, sailed to the adjacent coast of France to assist the royalists. The following is his account of an attempt to attack a French squadron in the bay of Brehat.

It is impossible to give an idea of how much goodness and even politeness and gentle manners there is in these ancient Celts. I saw the last traces of it some thirty years ago in the beautiful little island of Bréhat, with its patriarchal ways which carried one back to the time of the Pheacians. The unselfishness and the practical incapacity of these good people were beyond conception.

Then she read: "My dear Philosopher, the Princess and I will come, if agreeable to you, after five. I name this hour because the Princess's yacht has to leave to take up friends who are waiting for us at Brehat." "What time is it?" said Esperance, turning round. The professor consulted his watch. "Twenty minutes past three.

The neighbourhood of this dying celebrity of which the hotel-keeper was proud, and which he would have liked to charge in the bill the name of Brehat, which de Gery had so often heard pronounced with admiration in Felicia Ruys's studio, brought back his thoughts to the beautiful face, with its pure lines, which he had last seen in the Bois de Boulogue, leaning on Mora's shoulder.

The Levantine's palace, whose gardens extended to the very windows of the hotel, had sheltered for several months past an artistic celebrity, the sculptor Bréhat, who was dying of consumption and owed the prolongation of his life to that princely hospitality.

This proximity of a famous moribund, of which the landlord was very proud and which he would have been glad to charge in his bill, the name of Bréhat, which de Géry had so often heard mentioned with admiration in Felicia Ruys' studio, led his thoughts back to the lovely face with the pure outlines, which he had seen for the last time in the Bois de Boulogne, leaning upon Mora's shoulder.

The wind being to the southward, we were unable to fetch to windward off Cape Frehel in the morning; and observing several sail at anchor off the isles of Brehat, particularly two large ships and a brig, in a bay to the northward, which there appeared a great probability of attacking with success, I stood in for them; but the tide of ebb setting us to the westward, prevented our fetching into the bay, and enabled the enemy's ships to get under way with the first of the flood, and save themselves between the rocks.