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At war with his German feudatories, browbeaten by rebellious sons, unfaithful and cruel to his wife, vacillating in the measures he adopted to meet his divers difficulties, at one time tormented by his conscience into cowardly submission, and at another treasonably neglectful of the most solemn obligations, Henry was no match for the stern wills against which he was destined to break in unavailing passion.

It's an infernally disagreeable life it's a beast of a life for a gentleman to live. It's all very well, of course, if you're amongst your own set; but a gentleman ranker is certain to have a hell of a time. He has all the non-coms on to him out of jealousy; and he's bullied and browbeaten beyond endurance. As for the mere rough side of the living, nobody minds that.

Thought I to myself, can this be poor old browbeaten China, humbled and prostrate before the powers of Europe, unable to protest when her territory is snatched away from her, now suddenly giving voice to these exalted ideas? Does it not seem rather ludicrous that she should suddenly proclaim herself the upholder of international law?

Heatherthwayte," said Susan. "I would not have my kinsman browbeaten at mine own table by the self-conceited son of a dalesman, even if he have got a round hat and Geneva band! Ah, well! one good thing is we shall leave both of them well behind us, though I would it were for another cause."

Now he was to find what it means to be threatened, browbeaten, harassed in his work by inferiors. On the first hunt, as soon as he got out in the field, he was yelled at. He turned in bewilderment. The men hunted on mules, their guns across the pommels of their saddles, and now they were gesticulating angrily for him to come in.

It has endured in trouble and prosperity, under seduction, and under oppression. It has been practised upon by theorists, browbeaten by sophists, intimidated by princes, betrayed by false sons, laid waste by tyranny, corrupted by wealth, torn by schism, and persecuted by fanaticism. Revolutions have come upon it sharply and suddenly, to and fro, hot and cold, as if to try what it was made of.

You see, I get so browbeaten at home that I must avenge myself on somebody now and then; and of course, it has to be a man. And then it is all for Jim's good, and he deserves all he is getting. So I went on. "But seeing this is so, Jim, you ought to be content; and what means all your wild talk of last night and this morning, as if you had something on your conscience?

To stand in a box, to be bawled after by the police, to be scowled at and scolded by the judge, to be browbeaten and accused falsely by the barristers, and then to be condemned as perjurers by the jury, that is the fate of the one person who during the whole trial is perhaps entitled to the greatest respect, and is certainly entitled to the most public gratitude.

"And what are you?" said Mr. Morton, recovering his English courage, and feeling himself strangely browbeaten in his own house; "What and who are you, that you thus take the liberty to catechise a man of my character and respectability?" "Twice mayor " began Mrs. Morton. "Hush, mother!" whispered Miss Margaret, "don't work him up." "I repeat, sir, what are you?" "What am I? your nephew!

You must know that, madam." "The rent clause is the only clause which the law backs up, is it? We have no redress against your getting us here under false pretences?" They looked at each other uneasily. Then their masculinity asserted itself. What? To be thus browbeaten by a woman? They looked commiseratingly at the Angel for being saddled with such a wife. They stood up to go.