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He went on farther, and in the great hall he saw the whole of the court lying asleep, and up by the throne lay the King and Queen. Then he went on still farther, and all was so quiet that a breath could be heard, and at last he came to the tower, and opened the door into the little room where Briar-rose was sleeping.

Suddenly a young man riding a valuable horse came out from behind the clump of poplars and flowering briar-rose. "It is an Englishman," remarked the Colonel. "Lord bless you, yes, General," said the post-boy; "he belongs to the race of fellows who have a mind to gobble up France, they say."

He had heard, too, from his grandfather, that many kings' sons had already come, and had tried to get through the thorny hedge, but they had remained sticking fast in it, and had died a pitiful death. Then the youth said, "I am not afraid, I will go and see the beautiful Briar-rose." The good old man might dissuade him as he would, he did not listen to his words.

Flaunting summer, when he throws His soul into the briar-rose, or the melancholy stillness of the declining year, Where floats O'er twilight fields the autumnal gossamer; or as in the words which to the sensitive Charles Lamb seemed too terrible for art the irresponsive blankness of the universe The broad open eye of the solitary sky beneath which mortal hearts must make what merriment they may.

The sound of Walden's footsteps on the old paving-stones awoke faint echoes, and startled away a robin from a spray of blossoming briar-rose, and as he walked up to the great oaken porch of entrance, a porch heavily carved with the Vaignecourt or Vancourt emblems, and as deep and wide in its interior as a small room, an odd sense came over him that he was no longer an accustomed visitor to a beautiful 'show house, so much as a kind of trespasser on forbidden ground.

But I think it would be possible for a subtle psychologist to trace through the easy natural tangle of the personal briar-rose of speech certain necessary strands, that hold the whole growth together and render its later expansion easy and swift and strong. Whatever else the child gets, it must get these fundamental strands well and early if it is to do its best.

The road wound up and down, dark hedges on one side, fields yellow with young wheat upon the other, and the scent of the briar-rose in the air. Joan said very little, and Hillyard was content to watch her as she drove, the curls blowing about her ears and her hands steady and sure upon the wheel as she swung the car round the corners and folds of the hills.

Algernon Coleyard, the famous poet, and leader of the Briar-rose school of West-country fiction. "You know him in London, of course?" he observed to Charles, with a smile, as we waited dinner for our guests. "No," Charles answered stolidly. "I have not had that honour. We move, you see, in different circles."

Her slender hands were a little tanned the only sign that country life had laid upon her because she was never very careful about wearing gloves when she worked in the garden; but neither tan nor freckle ever appeared upon her face, the bloom of which was tender and refined as that of a briar-rose.

She did not believe in ghosts, but she had an uncomfortable sensation, and it would not have greatly surprised her if Annabel had come gliding back in the night watches to put the finishing touches to those scrolls of wild flowers which ornamented the panels of the doors, and to the design of the briar-rose which ran round the frieze of the room.