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You may paddle all day long; but it is when you come back at nightfall, and look in at the familiar room, that you find Love or Death awaiting you beside the stove; and the most beautiful adventures are not those we go to seek. The country where they journeyed, that green, breezy valley of the Loing, is one very attractive to cheerful and solitary people.

The few guests admitted felt the atmosphere of poetry and peace that pervaded the nest which Love, the worker of miracles, had built himself even under that tumultuous roof. Strollers in the halls or along the breezy verandas often paused to listen to the music of instrument or voice which came floating out from these sequestered rooms.

She adored her brother and she decided that Dotty's brother was also worthy of consideration. She liked Bob's breezy offhand way which was not at all like Bert's gentle, kindly manner. But they were two awfully nice boys and she felt sure they were going to be friends. If only she could be up and around and have good times with them!

In response to his nephew's concern as to his condition Raikes replied by saying: "I may have something to tell you by eleven o'clock to-night; will you be on hand?" "Sure!" answered Bob with breezy goodwill. From time to time Raikes glanced at the clock. His last scrutiny had revealed the hour of nine. Sixty interminable minutes more remained ere he could see the Sepoy.

Geli's bell, and from behind the red curtains of a public-house some one trolled out a compatriot of Burns, again! 'The saut tear blin's my e'e. Next morning there was sun and a flapping wind. From the street corners of Maybole I could catch breezy glimpses of green fields.

These interesting details have everything to do with the history of Edwin Clayhanger, as they have everything to do with the history of each of the two hundred thousand souls in the Five Towns. Oldcastle guessed not the vast influences of its sublime stupidity. It was a breezy Friday in July 1872. The canal, which ran north and south, reflected a blue and white sky.

Meyer's oily smile had indicated to the flustered captain that he had said too much, the door opened and admitted Rowland, pale, and weak, with empty left sleeve, leaning on the arm of a bronze-bearded and manly-looking giant who carried little Myra on the other shoulder, and who said, in the breezy tone of the quarter-deck: "Well, I've brought him, half dead; but why couldn't you give me time to dock my ship?

At the back of the house lay a long, narrow lawn, bordered with flower-beds, and shaded at the far end by a fine horse-chestnut. Emmeline talked much of the delightful proximity of the Downs; one would have imagined her taking long walks over the breezy uplands to Ban stead or Epsom, or yet further afield The fact was, she saw no more of the country than if she had lived at Brixton.

"A what?" "A swap. That's what we call it when we pay back one compliment with another." He turned and looked at her with an amused approval which was almost paternal. "It is most refreshing," he said, "to have the vocabulary of the effete West enlivened with these breezy expressions from the growing East." "But, papa, you must really like slang, now really!

And when, a few minutes later, he handed a message to the manager of the telegraph office and demanded a clear wire into the Banner office, he was quite the old breezy Simpkins. Then, coat off, a cigar between his teeth, he sat down beside the operator and began to write his story, his flying fingers keeping time with the clicking instrument.