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Oh, let him never Break from the bridle of shame, when from fear's fetters he breaks Freedom! is reason's cry, ay, freedom! The wild raging passions Eagerly cast off the bonds Nature divine had imposed.

Until then the record of technical schools had too often resembled the description which Mr. Butler, the new Minister of Education, tersely gave of that of the Lucknow Industrial School "a record of inconstant purpose with breaks of unconcern."

When he pronounced the lines: "My name on earth was ever in thy prayer, And must thou never utter it in heaven?" his voice trembled, and he faltered out, "I cannot go on: there is something in that poem which breaks me down, and I must never try again to recite verses so full of tenderness and undying love."

An evening or two since, he began singing all manner of English songs, such as Mrs. Hemans's "Landing of the Pilgrims," "Auld Lang Syne," and some of Moore's, the singing pretty fair, but in the oddest tone and accent. Occasionally he breaks out with scraps from French tragedies, which he spouts with corresponding action.

In the meantime, the current is taking the boat well down the river, but we are not alarmed, for we have a good half-mile stretch, with convenient sandy places on the north side, on which to land. Now the horse settles down to steady hard work, and at last, catching sight of the tiny beach, he breaks away from the boat and strikes out for himself, reaching shore before the rower.

Yes, they will come back again; and you will perhaps have to kill two or three more before they will go away and leave us alone." "Do you think, then, that I got the fellow I fired at?" demanded Dick. "Yes, baas," answered Mafuta with confidence. "I heard the bullet strike. You will find the beast, dead, out there, when the day breaks.

It is said that there is scarcely a village in all Würtemberg where meetings for worship are not held in private houses. The late revolutionists declare vengeance against these people, the pietists, as they call them, and that if the war breaks out again, they are to be the first to be cut off.

Some of us have to receive them with bared ivory backs, and others are permitted to keep on a coat that is the only difference." "Are you a pessimist?" she asked. "I hope so. I look upon optimism as a most quaint disease, an eruption that breaks out upon the soul, and destroys all its interest, all its beauty.

Further, Ireland has for generations been the scene of a revolt against one particular species of property, the ownership of land; and although under the operation of the Land Purchase Acts this cause of conflict tends to abate, it still breaks out from time to time in the form of cattle drives and attacks on "land grabbers." Hitherto we have, broadly speaking, kept the peace.

'I'm sure a mistress is more likely to be faithful than a wife just because she is her OWN mistress. No he says he believes that a man and wife can go further than any other two beings but WHERE, is not explained. They can know each other, heavenly and hellish, but particularly hellish, so perfectly that they go beyond heaven and hell into there it all breaks down into nowhere.