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The ray's wings moved in a rippling motion like that of some weird flying carpet. It flashed upward, and into the air, then crashed back on the surface of the water again. It dived, heading for the bottom. Rick kept the drag on his reel, letting the ray fight against the braking action. The fish didn't give up easily.

Once we go into a braking ellipse, we can reach a hospital in less than an hour by snapper-boat." "Let him go," MacFife said. The doctor wasn’t happy about it, but he had run out of arguments. "All right, Commander. If you’ll assume responsibility for getting him off the asteroid and into a Terra or space platform hospital in time." "I’ll do that," MacFife assured him.

While we may admit, then, that Mercury, being relatively close to the sun and subject to an enormous braking action, lost rotation until as occurred for a similar reason to the moon under the tidal attraction of the earth it ended by keeping one face always toward its master, we are not prepared to make the same admission in the case of Venus, where the effective force concerned is comparatively so slight.

Percy Pound is a stockbroker in Kansas City and will go nowhere that his red touring car cannot carry him. Otto Hassler went on the railroad and lost his foot braking; after which he and Fritz succeeded their father as the town tailors. Arthur sat about the sleepy little town all his life he died before he was twenty-five.

Connel quickly cut back the nose braking rockets and again opened the main drive rockets as the ship plummeted tailfirst toward the surface of Mars. "Two hundred feet!" came the warning call over the intercom. Connel glanced up at the teleceiver screen over his head that showed the spaceport below. The concrete runways and platforms were rushing up to meet the giant ship.

But all I could make of them was this: "This is the forest primeval-eval; the groves of the pines and the hemlocks-locks-locks-locks-loooock!" The train was only "slowing" or "braking" up at a station. Hence the jar in the metre.

Although work had been begun so early in the year, and the road had been operating since May, it was not until July that Edison executed any application for patents on his "electromagnetic railway engine," or his ingenious braking system.

Joe felt a peculiar twinge of panic. Nobody who is accustomed only to Earth can quite realize at the beginning the conditions of handling vehicles in space. But Joe cracked the braking rockets. He stopped. He hung seemingly motionless in space. The Platform was a good half-mile away. He tried the gyros, and the space wagon went into swift spinning. He reversed them and straightened out almost.

Gimp Hines and David Lester were waiting inside the stellene reception dome when Nelsen and Ramos landed lightly at the port on their own feet, with no more braking assistance than their own shoulder-ionics. Greetings were curiously breathless yet casual, but without any backslapping. "We'd about given you two up," Gimp said.

Ah, ye mane crathur," aside to Ned, "if you had the blood of a hen in you, you wouldn't have the neighbors braking their hearts laughing at you in sich a way; and above all the people in the world, them Rafferty's, that got the decree against us at the last sessions, although I offered to pay within fifteen shillings of the differ the grubs!"