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On the 2d of May the King found himself a little better. Madame du Barry had brought him two confidential physicians, Lorry and Borden, who were enjoined to conceal the nature of his sickness from him in order to keep off the priests and save her from a humiliating dismissal. The King's improvement allowed Madame du Barry to divert him by her usual playfulness and conversation.

Mr Borden refrained from either opposing or approving the motion, but, as did other members of his party, made it a starting-point for a speech in favour of imperial preference. Sir Wilfrid Laurier declared: I do not think that it would be possible to find in any of the self-governing colonies any desire or any intention to part with any of the powers which they have at the present time.

"It's impossible to send Mammy Borden away just yet, not till darkness comes to aid our effort," said Mr. Vosburgh, decisively. "You can serve me greatly, Merwyn, and your country also, if you have the nerve. It will require great risks. I tell you so frankly. This is going to prove worse than open battle. O Marian, would to God you were with your mother!"

Long before this time, however, the issue had given rise to bitter party controversy. The unanimity of parliament in 1909 had not truly reflected the diversity of public opinion. Mr Borden was not able to carry his party with him.

The policy of Dominion navies was never again seriously questioned in Canada; when admiralty officials, true to form, challenged it in 1918 it was Sir Robert Borden who defended it, to some purpose. These developments were fatal to Quebec Nationalism as a distinct political force under the direction of Mr. Bourassa. The ideas that inspired it did not lapse. Nor did Mr.

Perkins was summoned, acquainted with the policy just to his mind resolved upon, told to pick out the detail for hospital duty and to have the rest ready for work after an early dinner. "Go right straight ahead, Perkins," added Whately, "and let me know if one of these Yankee-made freemen so much as growls." Dr. Borden was not the kind of man to take upon himself undue responsibility.

Sit down, Mr. Hammerly. Do you know Pittsburg at all?" "Oh, yes. Borden, who keeps the gambling den on X street, is an old friend of mine. Do you happen to know how old Borden's getting along?" "Yes, his place was raided and closed up by the police." "That's just the old man's luck. Same thing in Kansas City." "By the way, Mr. Hammerly, do you know of any gambling houses in this city?"

If this were true when "Mammy Borden" and her son appeared, the reader can easily believe that, when they completed their story, Captain Lane was her Bayard sans peur et sans reproche. Barney explained that they had met him in the street and asked for Mr.

Mr Borden emphasized the need of action, and advocated 'a Canadian naval force of our own. Sir Wilfrid Laurier declared that Canada must realize to the full both the rights and the obligations of a daughter nation by rising to any sacrifice that might be needed to maintain unimpaired the power of the British Empire, essential as it was not only for Canada's safety but for the civilization of the world.

Then, in a tone of stern authority, he added: "Mrs. Borden, sit yonder in that darkened parlor, and don't move unless I tell you to hide. Then hide in earnest, as you value your life." "Would you not also like a hiding-place provided, Mr. Merwyn?" Marian asked, almost beside herself with anger and anxiety. His reply was to go to the window and look up and down the still quiet street.