United States or Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"You have now," said one of us, seeking to brighten the growing embarrassment of the situation with a small jape. Perhaps he did not understand. Perhaps it was against the regulations for a colonel, in full caparison of sword and shoulder straps, to laugh at a joke from a dusty, wayworn, shabby stranger in a dented straw hat and a wrinkled Yankee-made coat. At any rate this colonel did not laugh.

Perkins was summoned, acquainted with the policy just to his mind resolved upon, told to pick out the detail for hospital duty and to have the rest ready for work after an early dinner. "Go right straight ahead, Perkins," added Whately, "and let me know if one of these Yankee-made freemen so much as growls." Dr. Borden was not the kind of man to take upon himself undue responsibility.

Even if I hit Bruce by mistake, he'd rather die by a Christian Yankee-made bullet than " Just then the scythelike machine-gun fire reached the hillcrest combatants. And in the same instant a shell smote the ground, apparently between them. Up went a geyser of smoke and dirt and rocks.

Each platform displayed a layout of varnished pigs with immovably staring eyes, plates of uncooked strips of fish, and decorative objects suggesting place in a well-to-do Chinese home. Every fifty yards or so a mustached official of uncertain rank was mounted on a Tartary pony, and at the end of the column a coolie loped along bearing across his naked shoulders the deceased's Yankee-made bicycle.

At that time no one had attempted to cross the Atlantic in a heavier-than-air plane, a feat later on successfully accomplished. Nobody had piloted the way in a Yankee-made seaplane; nor had any one navigated the air passage in a monster dirigible.