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One consequence, however, of my system is that I have much less to say of Professor Blackie than I had of Professor Kelland; and as he is still alive, and will long, I hope, continue to be so, it will not surprise you very much that I have no intention of saying it.

"It doesn't matter," said Uli; "and Blackie can rest tomorrow; we don't need him." "Well, well," said his mistress, "then that's all the better. But when horses get home late and have to start out early, that's maltreatment. Just imagine how we'd feel if they did the same to us run, run all the time, and no time for eating and sleeping."

The ringing sounded again, louder than before. "I'll be the Buttons," said Blackie, and disappeared into the hallway. "Oh, yes, I've heard about you," came to our ears a moment later, in a high, clear voice a dear, beloved voice that sent me flying to the door in an agony of hope. "Norah!" I cried, "Norah! Norah! Norah!"

She filled the paper cone, inserted the point of it into one end of a hollow pastry horn, and gently squeezed. Presto! A cream-filled Hornchen! "Oh, Blackie!" I gasped. "Come on. I want to go in and eat." As we elbowed our way to the rear room separated from the front shop only by a flimsy wooden partition, I expected I know not what. But surely this was not Blackie's much-vaunted Baumbach's!

In an instant Geordie had flung himself between the roused animal and Elsie. His stick still lay on the hillock, where he had been resting, so he had no weapon of defence, and Blackie, in his rage, would not spare the faithful lad, who had spent so many lonely hours by his side. In another moment, Geordie was lying gored and senseless on the heather.

Looking back, beneath lay the wide frozen river, and beyond the solitary fort still wrapped in shade, the trees glistened pure and white on the high-rolling bank beside me, and the untrodden snow stretched far away in dazzling brilliancy. Our course now lay to the south of west, and -our pace was even faster than it had been in the days of poor Blackie.

You can tell him what I said if you like. You can tell him something more. Blackie and me think there is a snitch in this gang, and the Big 'Un had better keep his eyes peeled for a double-cross. You tell him that. You tell him to ask Nigger about it." "What do you mean?" I cried. His answer was a mysterious shake of the head, and he disappeared into the foc'sle.

There were Pfeffernusse; there, were Lebkuchen; there were cheese-kuchen; plum-kuchen, peach-kuchen, Apfelkuchen, the juicy fruit stuck thickly into the crust, the whole dusted over with powdered sugar. There were Torten, and Hornchen, and butter cookies. Blackie touched my arm, and I tore my gaze from a cherry-studded Schaumtorte that was being reverently packed for delivery.

But, be that as it may, that foot was never made up again, for Blackie vanished into the trench next instant, like a blown-out light, and, though the hunter searched for him carefully, he never put in an appearance again while that owl was within sight of the place.

"He's on the Western Front somewhere that may explain the appearance of the circuses or it may have been a corps general showing off the circus to a few trippers from Berlin they are always running Reichstag members and pressmen round this front. Get Tam to make a report his own report, not one you have edited." Blackie heard him chuckle.