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Updated: August 19, 2024

Even formerly, when all the birds were so tame, it was impossible by Pernety's account to kill the black-necked swan a bird of passage, which probably brought with it the wisdom learnt in foreign countries.

Supra-condyloid foramen in the early progenitors of man. Suspicion, prevalence of, among animals. Swallow-tail butterfly. Swallows deserting their young. Swan, black, wild, trachea of the; white, young of; red beak of the; black-necked. Swans, young. Swaysland, Mr., on the arrival of migratory birds. Swifts, migration of.

There were legions of duck, coot, rosy spoonbills, and black-necked swans disporting themselves in the water, and I was very thankful that I had no gun with me, and so was not tempted to startle them with rude noises, and send any of them away to languish wounded amongst the reeds. At length, after having indulged in a good swim, I set out to walk back to the estancia.

He changed his mind, though, when the poison, that would have blinded him for life and that life wouldn't have been long in that wild then, I want to tell you stopped, and he went in at that black-necked, legless, soulless servant of Satan, utterly and amazingly unafraid. It was fine.

Others do their fishing seated on the water; for there are many different kinds of water-fowl here represented gulls, shags, cormorants, gannets, noddies, and petrels, with several species of Anativae, among them the beautiful black-necked swan. Nor are they all seabirds, or exclusively inhabitants of the water.

A feller that chatters all the time is bound to talk a certain amount of drivel. The Sayings of Si Sylvanne This was the Crow Moon, the white man's March. The Grass Moon was at hand, and already the arrow bands of black-necked honkers were passing northward from the coast, sending down as they flew the glad tidings that the Hunger Moon was gone, that spring was come, yea, even now was in the land.

It was situated on the borders of an extensive but shallow lake, swarming with wild fowl, among which the black-necked swan was conspicuous. It has been wrongfully accused of inelegance; when wading about in shallow water, which is its favourite resort, its gait is far from awkward.

There are few more strangely fascinating sights in nature than that of the old black-necked cock bird, standing with raised agitated wings among the tall plumed grasses, and calling together his scattered hens with hollow boomings and long mysterious suspira-tions, as if a wind blowing high up in the void sky had found a voice.

The beautiful freshwater lakes, on the rugged crests of greatly elevated islands, wherein the Red and Black-necked Divers swim as proudly as swans do in other latitudes, and where the fish appear to have been cast as strayed beings from the surplus food of the ocean. All all is wonderfully grand, wild aye, and terrific.

Was there ever a nobler bird than that great black-necked Swan, that sings not at his death, but in his flood of life, a song of home and of peace of stirring deeds and hunting in far-off climes of hungerings and food, and raging thirsts to meet with cooling drink. A song of wind and marching, a song of bursting green and grinding ice of Arctic secrets and of hidden ways.

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