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The brave man who had sunk to the ground in a heap was not Sheikh Ahmed, but Bimjee, the village barber! "Hastily consigning Devaka to the care of women standing by, I hurried forward. "'Sheikh Ahmed is in that house, I cried, 'probably overpowered by the smoke. We must save him. Who will come with me? "All remained silent. Then some one called out: "'It is no use, Chunda Das.

"'Ah! exclaimed the barber, noticing my disconcerted look. 'He thinks that Devaka is in greater peril, and leaves you to rescue her husband. "I looked at the curling smoke, and shuddered. Assuredly there was no time to be lost if the woman was to be saved. "'You are right, Bimjee, I cried. 'We'll look after Baji Lal. Come along.

"'Is it your belief, Bimjee, I asked, 'that the stranger was really done to death in Baji Lal's home? "'No, he answered decisively. 'But all the same, I have the evidence of my own ears that a curse has fallen upon the place. "For the moment I made no further comment, but sat silent, revolving the strange story in my mind.

'You have not many trinkets, little wife, he said, 'but this one would not remind us so much of good deeds done as of base ingratitude. I have no home to take you to at present, but Bimjee wants us to stay with him until I can build you another. "He stretched forth his hand to Devaka, and, leading her away, departed. Bimjee, after a salute to me, followed his bidden guests at a little distance.

No second bidding was required; the open space was soon crowded, right to the edge of the tank and to the wall of the temple. "When all were assembled, with Sheikh Ahmed, Baji Lal and Devaka, also Bimjee the barber, standing by me, I faced the throng. "'Good people, I said, 'our worthy friends, Baji Lal and his wife, have been publicly disgraced.

"When we got within clear view of the house, I saw that faggots had been placed all around it, and that these were already alight, giving forth the smoke we had seen from a distance. I looked about me in dread. Where were Baji Lal and Devaka? I questioned a man who was blocking my way. He turned round, and, to my joy, I recognized Bimjee, the barber.

On every hand there was loud acclaim for the Sheikh and his noble generosity, and Devaka's gold chain, which she now held timidly in her hand, was the object of many admiring glances, and drew for her general words of congratulation. "At last all had gone their several ways, leaving Baji Lal and his wife, Bimjee and myself, alone beneath the pipul tree.

My reverie, however, was of short duration, for all of a sudden Bimjee sprang to his feet in great excitement. "'Look, look, he cried, pointing to a crowd of villagers coming in our direction. 'At last they have laid hold of Baji Lal and his wife, and are bringing them here for punishment.

But you, my dear friend, had ridden night and day to find the man whom our neighbours thought we had murdered. Our faithful friend Bimjee' Baji Lal stretched out his hand to the barber 'defied fire and smoke to rescue a defenceless woman from an atrocious death. Neither of you had anything to gain by these deeds of bravery and self-sacrifice. You did them for pure love of us.