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Banneker had formulated for his own use and comfort the fallacy which has since become standard for all journalists unwilling or unable to face the issue of their own responsibility to the public. He now gave it forth confidently. "A newspaper, Io, is like a billboard. Any one has a right to hire it for purposes of exploiting and selling whatever he has to sell.

He wandered out into the city streets, and found himself, some time later, at the railway station, without remembering how he got there. Across from the station was a large billboard, and on it the name of Beverly Carlysle and her play, "The Valley." He stood for some time and looked at it, before he went in to buy his ticket.

I knew you could sing, but you never before confessed to being a real song and dance artist." "We shall have all 'headliners in our show, as the billboard advertisements beautifully put it," commented Miriam. "I wish Eleanor were here, don't you, Grace? Then Anne could recite 'Enoch Arden."

He rounded a heap of sand and glided up a slant where an alley cut in. There he paused, hidden by a big billboard. Peering past this barrier he could view the crowd he had just left. "Thief stop thief!" fell in a frantic yell on his hearers. To his surprise it was Jim Tapp who uttered the call. He was flinging about in great excitement.

Hughston, who said: "In Detroit alone there were distributed 500,000 pieces of literature; 50,000 buttons, 13,000 posters put in windows, 1,000 street car advertisements, 174 large billboard posters and 1,766 inches of paid advertisements in newspapers." The election took place on Nov. 5, 1918, when the suffrage amendment received 229,790 ayes and 195,284 noes carried by a majority of 34,506.

They would sell the team and wagon there and get money enough to put an advertisement in the Billboard, which is like a Bible to them showmen, that they had a balloon to sell and was at liberty. One of them was the slimmest, lightest-footed, quickest feller you ever seen, with a big nose and dark complected, and his name was Tobias. The other was heavier and blonde complected.

He said it in various ways but each time she felt flaunted like a woman seeing the image of herself in a bra on a lit billboard in front of a bench at a bus stop only in her case bust size and her ability to wear lingerie beautifully did not matter.

What Lord Grey knows and what Frederick Taylor's workmen know shall be put where all who live shall see it where every employer, every workman, every workman's wife and every growing boy and girl that is passing by, as on some vast billboard above the world, shall see it shall see and know and believe that employers that are worth believing in and that workmen who can work and who are skilled and clever enough to love to work can still be produced by the human race.

Didn't she talk about the risks she look and how the directors were always begging her to use a double and how her artistic convictions wouldn't let her do any such thing? You can bet the little girl is right there in every scene!" They passed to the other billboard. This would be the comedy.

All you know how to do is to kick. You're a woodenhead; you're no good." Rosie accepted the tirade with a quiet smile. "If you will tell me what it is all about I may be able to explain." "Look at those billboard tickets!" "What's the matter with them?" "Matter? Matter?" "Yes, that's what I asked." "They're torn off crooked." "Well, what of that?" "What of that?