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"Then must the vigil be kept to- night." "The boy thinks these are the days of Roland and Karl the Great," said Wildschloss. "He would fain watch his arms in the moonlight in the Dome Kirk! Alas! no, my Friedel! Knighthood in these days smacks more of bezants than of deeds of prowess." "Unbearable fellow!" cried Ebbo, when he had latched the door of the room he shared with his brother.

He seemed in a hurry to sweep everything away, down to the ruins of the old tower built by a Vandeuvres under Philip Augustus. He was mad for ruin and thought it a great thing to leave the last golden bezants of his coat of arms in the grasp of this courtesan, whom the world of Paris desired.

"The good graces of an Imperial cupbearer are always important, and I would have bought those of Helladius with a myriad of bezants." "They were not to be thus obtained, father," said she. "The purest disinterestedness, the noblest integrity, the most unselfish devotion, were the distinction of my friend. And such beauty! I cannot, I must not conceal that my heart was soon entirely his.

The chests were left in the keeping of the patriarch, and the price put upon them, fifty-two thousand golden bezants, was paid by Richard of England. Conrad still held out in Tyre, nor was he induced to surrender even when Saladin himself assailed its walls.

Philippe de Montfort managed to cheat the Mamelukes of 10,000 bezants, and came boasting of it to the King; but Louis, much displeased, sent him back with the remaining sum.

After a good deal of haggling, the Sultan agreed to waive these conditions, and a treaty was finally concluded. The city of Damietta was restored; a truce of ten years agreed upon, and ten thousand golden bezants paid for the release of Louis and the liberation of all the captives.

They tried to build a causeway across it, but their commencement was destroyed by the Greek fire, and a Bedouin offered, for 500 bezants, to show them a ford on the Shrove Tuesday of 1250.

On the day when Guy Muschamp was carried off as a captive, the Constable of France was surprised by a visit from a Bedouin, and demanded his business. The Bedouin thereupon offered, for five hundred golden bezants, to point out a ford by which the Crusaders might, without danger or difficulty, cross in safety to the opposite bank.

Nesbit's hoards. If I made three thousand pounds in five years, why may I not do so again? I'll turn rapacious give away no more articles to benighted editors on their last legs. I can finish off my Byzantine history, and coin it into bezants. 'And these were your hard-earned savings, that should have forwarded your marriage! 'They have, said Percy, smiling.

"Peace, fellow" said the Constable, sternly, "I say I have occasion presently for the service of thy horse. Here be two gold bezants for a day's use of the brute; it is well worth the fee-simple of him, were he never returned." "But the palfrey is an old acquaintance, master," said Raoul; "and if perchance "