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He's merely shamming," retorted the general manager. "Stow the funny business, Ashby!" came the advice from the crowd. "You can't fool us into believing that you're crazy." "Crazy?" repeated the hotel man, a look of amazement creeping into his face. "Of course I'm not crazy. I'm the only sane man in this crowd."

On learning the details of his friends' discoveries, Count Timascheff did not hesitate in believing that the exhausted individual who was lying before him was the author alike of the two unsigned documents picked up at sea, and of the third statement so recently brought to hand by the carrier-pigeon.

Return home and relate to them a fable of a false princess by whom you had been deceived, and whom you abandoned as soon as you discovered the deception. They will everywhere lend you a believing ear, as people gladly believe what they wish, and by this means only can you assure the future of Natalie and yourself." "That is all just and true.

But never, as I ever did read of in the Bible, did women, ordinary believing ones, assume this power of the elders, or of the church, to themselves. If it be asked, Who did appoint that meeting made mention of in Acts 12:12? Compare verse 5 with 12 and 17.

Surely there can be no question as to our believing that prayer will be heard, that through prayer the poorest and feeblest can dispense blessings to the needy, and each of us, though poor, may yet be making many rich. The faith of the friend met a sudden and unexpected check: the rich friend refuses to hear "I cannot rise and give thee."

"You are right," observed Madame , gravely, believing him to be serious; "it is much preferable." "But surely," said I, determined to continue the mystification, "you are unjustly severe in your animadversions on poor Monsieur . Does he not prove himself a true philanthropist in devoting the time to the affairs of others that might be usefully occupied in attending to his own?"

He bowed to King occasionally at the station, but that was all. But now his manner was exceedingly friendly as he advanced upon the group. One might have been pardoned for believing him to be a most intimate friend of the family and given to constantly dropping in at any and all hours of the day. The game was promptly interrupted. It would not be far from wrong to say that Mrs.

At Palazzo Crescentini Mr. Mr. Osmond's talk was not injured by the indication of an eagerness to shine; Isabel found no difficulty in believing that a person was sincere who had so many of the signs of strong conviction as for instance an explicit and graceful appreciation of anything that might be said on his own side of the question, said perhaps by Miss Archer in especial.

Men get into the habit of believing that they can settle everything by talk, and fancy themselves the arbiters of the world, and then suddenly the great man arrives, your Caesar or Cromwell, and clears out the talkers." "I've heard something like that before. In fact, on occasions I have said it myself. It's a pretty idea. How long do you give this Volkerwanderung to get started?"

"Not many things. Later, you will regret some things you have not done very few you have." "I have been reading metaphysics lately, and, it seems, one could reason one's self into believing nothing is real. One of my books said the ancient Cynic philosophers doubted for the sake of investigation and the moderns investigate for the sake of doubting. What does it all mean?"