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The whole house was shaken by the violence of the attack, and a screen, which stood near the spot, was thrown down. The plotters gazed upon each other with pale and terror-stricken faces, for it was evident that the fresh brick wall, the work of Mascarin and Beaumarchef, was being destroyed. The Duke sat in perfect amazement, for the alarm of his host and his friends was plainly evident.

When this matter was completed, he had hoped for half an hour's leisure. As he was crossing the courtyard, however, he fell in with Toto Chupin bringing in his daily report, which Beaumarchef thought would be what it usually was a mere matter of form.

Mascarin gave his friend a meaning glance, and then, in a careless manner, replied, "Caroline Schimmel, a former servant of the Champdoce family, also patronizes our office. How did you find her, Beaumarchef?" "Well, an idea occurred to me." "Pooh! do you have ideas at your time of life?" Beaumarchef put on an air of importance.

It was a long and wearisome task, but it was at length completed, and by rubbing soot and dust over the new work it lost its appearance of freshness. The evening before Beaumarchef had received twelve thousand francs on the express condition that he would start at once for America, and the leave-taking between him and the master he had so faithfully served was a most affecting one.

According to the promise to her father, Flavia had acted her part so well, that Paul did not know whether he had made an impression or not. Beaumarchef, when Mascarin called a general meeting of his associates, was in the habit of assuming his very best attire; for as he was often called into the inner office to answer questions, he was much impressed with the importance of the occasion.

"I want absolute obedience from you," said he; "a blind and undeviating obedience, one that makes no objections and asks no questions." "I will obey you, sir; but, oh! do not desert me." Without making any reply, Mascarin rang for Beaumarchef, and as soon as the latter appeared, said, "I am going to Van Klopen's, and shall leave you in charge here."

Beaumarchef again made a motion of executing a thrust with the rapier. "Pooh, pooh!" answered his master; "don't be childish. I can do better than that. Rose calls herself nineteen, but she is more, she is of age, while Gandelu is still a minor. If old Gandelu had any pluck, he would put Article 354 in motion." "Eh, sir?" said Beaumarchef, much mystified. "Look here.

"Stay," observed he, "it is only Beaumarchef;" and as he spoke, he struck a gilded bell that stood on his desk. In another instant Beaumarchef appeared, and with an air in which familiarity was mingled with respect, he saluted in military fashion. "Ah," said the doctor pleasantly, "do you take your nips of brandy regularly?" "Only occasionally, sir," stammered the man.

"Well, what have you to grumble at now? Don't I hand you a five-franc piece every day that you are at work?" "But that ain't good enough. Come, don't get shirty; all I asks is a rise of salary. Only say either Yes or No; and if you say No, why, I sends in my resignation." Beaumarchef would have given a five-franc piece out of his own pocket for Mascarin to have heard the boy's impertinence.

He easily found a purchaser, and in twenty-four hours the matter had been arranged. The night before handing over the business to his successor Mascarin had much to do. Assisted by Beaumarchef, he carried into Martin Rigal's private office the papers with which the Registry Office was crammed.