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To be honest, this elevation of a political puppet like Cecil Baskelett, and the starting him, out of the same family which Turbot, the journalist, had magnified, into Bevisham with such pomp and flourish in opposition to the serious young champion of popular rights and the Puritan style, was ludicrously effective. Conscienceless of course. But that was the way of the Old School.

"MY BRAVE BEAUCHAMP, On with your mission, and never a summing of results in hand, nor thirst for prospects, nor counting upon harvests; for seed sown in faith day by day is the nightly harvest of the soul, and with the soul we work. With the soul we see." Captain Baskelett intervened: 'Ahem!

He went unwillingly; not so much from an objection to a naval life as from a wish, incomprehensible to grown men and boys, and especially to his cousin, Cecil Baskelett, that he might remain at school and learn. 'The fellow would like to be a parson! Everard said in disgust. No parson had ever been known of in the Romfrey family, or in the Beauchamp.

Tuckham's disposition to generalize. Beauchamp had the show of hands, and to say with Captain Baskelett, that they were a dirty majority, was beneath Mr. Tuckham's verbal antagonism. He fell into a studious reserve, noting everything, listening to everybody, greatly to Colonel Halkett's admiration of one by nature a talker and a thunderer. The show of hands Mr.

When he stepped into his carriage, and stood up in it to wave adieu to her, she thought his face and figure a perfect example of an English gentleman in his prime. Captain Baskelett requested the favour of five minutes of conversation with Miss Halkett before he followed Mr. Austin, on his way to Steynham. She returned from that colloquy to her father and Mr. Tuckham.

A warrior accustomed to wear the burnished breastplates between London and Windsor has, we know, more need to withstand than to discharge the shafts of amorous passion; he is indeed, as an object of beauty, notoriously compelled to be of the fair sex in his tactics, and must practise the arts and whims of nymphs to preserve himself: and no doubt it was the case with the famous Captain Baskelett, in whose mind sweet ladies held the place that the pensive politician gives to the masses, dreadful in their hatred, almost as dreadful in their affection.

Lord Palmet was one of the numerous half-friends of Cecil Baskelett, and it may be a revelation of his character to you, that he owned to liking Beauchamp because of his having always been a favourite with the women. He began chattering, with Beauchamp's hand in his: 'I've hit on you, have I? My dear fellow, Miss Halkett was talking of you last night.

Beauchamp passed him with a nod and 'Good-bye, sir. 'Have ready at Holdesbury for the middle of the month, said Mr. Romfrey, unruffled, and bowed to Cecilia. 'If you think of bringing my cousin Baskelett, give me warning, sir, cried Beauchamp.

He and his uncle shook hands manfully, at the full outstretch of their arms, in a way so like them, to Rosamund's thinking that is, in a way so unlike any other possible couple of men so situated that the humour of the sight eclipsed all the pleasantries of Captain Baskelett.

She would have prevented the reading. But the colonel would have it. 'Read on, said he. 'Mr. Romfrey saw no harm. Captain Baskelett held up Dr. Shrapnel's letter to Commander Beauchamp, at about half a yard's distance on the level of his chin, as a big-chested singer in a concert-room holds his music-scroll. Before we give ear to the recital of Dr.