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Every dog must have his day and I'm a wise old dog. I'll teach that Matt boy some respect for his owners before I'm through with him!" When Matt Peasley's Yankee combativeness, coupled with the accident of birth in the old home town of Cappy Ricks, gained for him command of the Blue Star Navigation Company's big barkentine, Retriever, he lacked eight days of his twenty-first birthday.

Heyfuss entered smilingly, saluted both satellites of the Blue Star and sat down. "Well, gentlemen," he announced, "wonders will never cease. Every day I'm seeing, hearing and doing wonderful things in the shipping business. Day before yesterday I bought the old barkentine Mayfair.

Skinner that he was treading on thin ice, but with his usual complacence he ignored the storm signal, for his mind was upon private, not public affairs. "I'm offered the old barkentine C. D. Bryant for a cargo of redwood to Sydney," he began.

One morning, the barkentine Hathor, towing out for Delagoa Bay, dipped her house-flag, and the watch at their stations bent their gaze upon the house on the cliff. Long they waited but no answering salute greeted the acknowledgment of their affectionate and willing service. The mate's glance met the master's. "The old laird must be unwell, sir," he opined. But the master shook his head.

From the cook he learned that the Retriever carried a million feet of lumber; that she was owned by Cappy Ricks; that Cappy Ricks was the president of the Blue Star Navigation Company, and the most contemptible old scoundrel in all the world; that the skipper was a blue-nose and a devil and a fine man rolled into one; that the barkentine could sail like a yacht; and that presently they would up-hook and off to Grays Harbor, Washington, there to load a cargo of fir lumber for Cape Town.

When the girl appeared Cappy Ricks dictated this wire: Captain Matthew Peasley, Master Barkentine Retriever, Colman Dock, Seattle, Washington. Are you drunk, dead or asleep? You have your orders. Obey them P.D.Q. or turn over command to Chief Mate Murphy. Alden P. Ricks. "There!" he shrilled. "I've signed my name to it.

Hendricks is to get £3 current silver money and two suits of apparell one for holy days, the other for working days, and also board is to be provided. Elizabeth Morris, a spinster, in consideration of her transportation from England to New York on the barkentine, "Antegun," binds herself in 1696 as a servant to Captain William Kidd for four years for board.

Condy turned about in his place with great deliberation, fixed the picture with a judicial eye, and announced decisively: "That? why, that's a BARKENTINE." Condy had no need to wait for Blix's report. The demonstration came far too quickly for that. The red-headed man at his loud declaration merely glanced in the direction of the chromo and returned to his enchellados.

I wonder how it would feel to be drifting down it, or up it, on a barque or a barkentine I don't know what a barkentine is all dead like Elaine or Ophelia, with your hands neatly folded across your breast?" "For heaven sake's, Betty," Billy cried, "I don't like your style of conversation. I'm in a state of gloom myself, to-night." "I didn't say I was in a state of gloom," Betty said.

Sitting in his garden yesterday he could never have imagined such a change. But his heart did not hail the barkentine as usual. Young Gaston showed more eagerness than the padre over this arrival of the vessel that might be bringing "Trovatore" in the nick of time. Now he would have the chance, before he took his leave, to help rehearse the new music with the choir. He would be a missionary too.