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The law requires that the concordat, at which is granted the bankrupt's certificate that remits to the merchant a portion of his debt, and restores to him the right of managing his affairs, shall be attended by a majority of the creditors, and also that they shall represent a certain proportion of the debt.

That they were gone was clear; and the bankruptcy proceedings which followed were like a sinister farce, bursts of laughter in a setting of mute anguish that of the depositors; hundreds of thousands of them. The laughter was irresistible; the accompaniment of the bankrupt's public examination.

That old epigram, Sir Benjamin, do you know it," continued she, "which begins with a bankrupt's roguish 'Whereas?

Your Royal tapsters are scattered in almost every encounter, your King is taken, dethroned, slain. Where be then your joint-organs, your paper-balance? Is it not the merest audit of a bankrupt's books? So far Mr. Prynne, of whose wisdom you perhaps will make short work." "I do not say that he is wrong," answered the Secretary, with a puzzled look. "I must own that we are beaten for the nonce.

His tone bore the stress of sincerity. "That means a great deal to me, as you know, my Lord," replied Thorpe, "but I don't in the least understand what is it that your friend wants?" "Only that I shall not be buried in a bankrupt's grave," the suppliant answered, with a kind of embittered eagerness of utterance.

"Captain Osborne, of course, could not marry a bankrupt's daughter," the Misses Dobbin said. "It was quite enough to have been swindled by the father. As for that little Amelia, her folly had really passed all " "All what?" Captain Dobbin roared out. "Haven't they been engaged ever since they were children? Wasn't it as good as a marriage?

The status of civil death in which the bankrupt remains a chrysalis lasts for about three months, a period required by formalities which precede a conference at which the creditors and their debtor sign a treaty of peace, by which the bankrupt is allowed the ability to make payments, and receives a bankrupt's certificate.

Accepting the open and exclusive homage of married men, she continued on the best of terms with their wives. One day the mistress of every luxury that wealth can command, the next a bankrupt's wife. One year the reigning "Queen of Society," the next a suspected exile. As much flattered and courted when she was poor as while she was rich.

But they say she's awful sweet and pretty, in spite of her terrible ignorance. "Old Mr. Dunn told me this Mrs. Brownlee was a bankrupt's widow, that when the husband died there was nothing left but this Green Valley lot, which he bought absent-mindedly one day, and his life insurance which though was a good one.

Misery had made her very wise very quick to comprehend. Without shrinking she talked over every matter connected with that saddest thing a deceased bankrupt's sale. The lawyer was a hard man, and Olive's prejudice against him was not unfounded. Still the most stony heart has often a little softness buried deep at its core. Mr.