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In a moment the doctor had sprung forward and seizing him round the waist, thrown him backwards. The revolver fell from his hand. Alec had not moved. 'Let me go, damn you! cried George, his voice shrill with rage. 'You need not hold him, said Alec. It was second nature with them all to perform Alec's commands, and without thinking twice they dropped their hands.

Like some birds of paradise in the Eastern Archipelago, the cocks of the rocks assemble in numbers to perform a kind of dance for their amusement, selecting generally the smooth rocks or roots of trees, moving here and there, round and round, backwards and forwards, and erecting their gorgeous plumes, to exhibit their beauty.

The population of Virginia, advancing toward half a million, and divided pretty equally between the free whites and the enslaved blacks, was densest, to use a most inappropriate word, at the water's edge and near the mouths of the rivers. Thence it crept backwards, following always the lines of the watercourses, and growing ever thinner and more scattered until it reached the Blue Ridge.

Maggie sprang up and kissed her, somewhat effusively for Maggie, and said in a quiet, restrained tone "Many happy returns of the day, auntie." Then Edwin rose, scraping his arm-chair backwards along the floor, and shook hands with her, and said with a guilty grin "A long life and a merry one, auntie!" "Eh!" she exclaimed, falling back with a sigh of satisfaction into a chair by the table.

The last pair propelled him off the floor. Stanton stepped back and let him have a right just below the jaw, where his throat would have been if he'd been human. The Nipe arced backwards in a half-somersault and landed flat on his back. Stanton backed up a little more, waiting, while the Nipe wriggled feebly for a moment. The Marquis of Queensbury should have lived to see this, he thought.

I strode up to him, and before I could be prevented I planted my fist in his face with such force that he toppled backwards over his chair and came to the floor. "Now you can swallow that lie," I cried, standing with clenched fists over him. I was now in the midst of a great hubbub; the officers had started from their chairs, shouting and cursing, some of them helping Cludde to his feet.

A moment afterwards, when the place was full of servants, and one had run for a doctor, he rushed outside, backwards and forwards like a madman, looking in the shrubs, the arbour, behind seats, everywhere. But of the man who had fired that shot there was no trace.

Before the door of one of these tiny housesone without a light in the little downstairs windowthe cab had come to a standstill. Mrs Verloc’s mother got out first, backwards, with a key in her hand. Winnie lingered on the flagstone path to pay the cabman. Stevie, after helping to carry inside a lot of small parcels, came out and stood under the light of a gas-lamp belonging to the Charity.

He listened while I tried to obtain further clues from the doctor as to the branch of the service to which the captain, seen that morning with "Ernest," belonged. The doctor, his cap tilted backwards, a long dark cigar protruding at an angle of 45 degrees from the corner of his mouth, did his best, but it was no good. "I'm sorry I don't know your regiments well enough," he said at last.