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I was awf'ly old then nearly two and twenty and she was quite that. MRS. G. That means she was older than you. I shouldn't like her to have been younger. Well? CAPT. G. Well, I fancied myself in love and raved about a bit, and oh, yes, by Jove! I made up poetry. Ha! Ha! MRS. G. You never wrote any for me! What happened? CAPT. G. I came out here, and the whole thing went phut.

Monroe and her one small servant were in the last hot and hurried stages of dinner-getting. Martie kissed her mother's flushed and sunken cheek; a process to which Mrs. Monroe submitted with reproachful eyes and compressed lips. "I don't like this, Martie!" said her mother, shaking her head. "What were you and Sally doing to be so late?" "Oh, nothing," Martie said ashamedly. "I'm awf'ly sorry.

This was once foretold as a probable culmination of Florence Atwater's still plastic profile, if Florence didn't change her way of thinking; and upon Florence's remarking dreamily that the King of Spain was an awf'ly han'some man, her mother retorted: "But not for a girl!"

"Oh, her name she doesn't know her own, of course." Ryder paused uncertainly. "She's in Cairo," he began again vaguely. "She'd be just about the right age eighteen or so. She she's had awf'ly hard luck." Distressfully he hesitated. The shrewd eyes of McLean dwelt upon him in sorrowful silence. "Eh, Jock," he said at last, with mock scandal scarcely veiling rebuke.

It somehow completed her sense of detachment from him. She puzzled him. "How long have you had a maid?" he asked. "I must say I was awf'ly surprised when what's her name Ann opened the door to me." "Let's see," she considered, wrinkling her brows, "I've had her for six months. Before that I had a woman in to do the rough work." "Well, if you could manage it "

"Osborn," she said, "I was awf'ly hurt that you were so angry last night. I do want you to see that it isn't my fault." He looked at her rather appealingly. "Let's chuck it," he suggested. "If you will only understand! I don't believe men think; but if you would think over it for just a few minutes, dear old boy, you'd know that I'm just as careful as a woman can be.

"I shall make the sweets beforehand, and we'll have chafing-dish or casserole things. That sort of dinner. It's quite smart, Osborn. And dessert's easy. Julia's giving us finger bowls, tip-top ones real cut-glass." "Bless her!" "We're starting awf'ly well, Osborn." "Do you think I don't know that? We love each other; nothing ever goes wrong when people love each other.

"And we'll let it stay so. He's a better man now than he was then." "But how old was the civil power?" said Cleever. "The situation is developing itself." "He was about six-and-twenty, and he was awf'ly clever. He knew a lot of things, but I don't think he was quite steady enough for dacoit-hunting.

"She wouldn't go to any old friend. You see she's awf'ly sensitive. And she'd have to explain. Besides, I'd find out she was there." "That's true." "I ought never to have left her last spring. I should have found work here and not gone gallumpin' all over the country." Her chin trembled. She was on the verge of tears. "Nonsense. You can't blame yourself. We each have to live our own life.

Old man, I can't help it. What would you do if you were in my place? 'Very likely I should do no better. I'm sorry for you awf'ly sorry but 'if them's your sentiments, I believe, I really do, that you are acting wisely. G. Do you? I hope you do.