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God hath power instantly to change the sinner's heart without previous awakenings; but this is not the method of grace. Convictions, ordinarily, if not invariably, antecede conversion, prepare for it, and lead to it.

None are wholly destitute of supernal influences of awakenings and convictions, or devoid of power to cherish or to resist them. This is intimated in the warnings to beware of grieving or quenching the spirit. Could men only oppose divine influence in renovation, they would never be exhorted of God "to make themselves new hearts, and turn themselves that they may live." * * Ezekiel xviii. 31.

Struggling to get up, the mule kicked the candle out and smashed most of the kitchen furniture, and raised considerable dust. These violent awakenings must have been annoying to Oliver, but he never complained. He moved to a mansion on the opposite side of the canon, because he had noticed the mules did not go there.

Wound up a big revival last night, I believe. Kind o' caved in, I reckon." "That's all. Needs rest. He'll be wearin' a wood jacket if he doosna leave off preachin'." "Regular jamboree. I couldn't stop him. One of these periodical neighborhood 'awakenings, they call it." "They have need of it here, na doot." "Well, they need something love for God or man." "M well! It's lettle I can do.

Not without emotion did she accompany Will to Newtake Farm while yet the proposed bargain awaited completion; not without strange awakenings in the dormant recesses of her memory did Will's mother pass and pass again through the scenes of her earliest days.

Verily, many of them can say the Ten Commandments without book. But they do not know the severity of the law; and therefore when at any time awakenings come upon their consciences, they strive to drive away the guilt of one sin, by wallowing in the filth of another. But would they do thus if they knew the severity of the law? they would as soon eat fire.

Dull, or sad, when in these soft days of spring and early summer I have harboured a new feeling of companionship and oneness with Nature, a fresh joy in all her bounteous resource and plenitude of life, a renewed sense of kinship with her mysterious awakenings!

Now I have slept hundreds of times alone beside my horse on the veld, and I never knew any cause for such awakenings but the one, and that was the presence near me of some human being. A man who is accustomed to solitude gets this extra sense which announces like an alarm-clock the approach of one of his kind. But I could hear nothing.

Atypical features in stupor have to do mainly with interruptions, interludes as it were, of elation, anxiety or perplexity. These are explicable as awakenings from the nothingness of stupor into imaginations such as characterize the other manic-depressive psychoses.

If this be so, we ask of the inmost soul, if life be but the fitful awakenings of the indestructible spirit, ebbing and flowing in response to the rise and fall of Nature's cosmic barometer and the transmutations of matter; if life is, in reality, but a brief and passing moment, eternally repeated, from the flush of youth, "the gilded salon to the bier and the shroud, then why, O why should the spirit of mortal be proud?"