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But the skipper, red-faced and angry, answered, "W'y, yer so-and-so ijits, that's wot the Lord Mayor of London gives about a guinea a hounce for w'en 'e feeds lords n' dooks. Only the haristocracy at 'ome get a charnce to stick their teeth in such grub as that. An' 'ere are you lot a-growlin' at 'avin' it for a change!"

"Well, I expect I'll want my boots done again to-morrow evening. Here's a penny for this time." The boy took the penny and held it in the palm of his hand. "Isn't it enough?" asked Jack. "You're 'avin' a lark with me," said the boy. "This 'ere brown " "What's wrong? It's a good one, isn't it?" "Oh, ain't you funny? I don't want yer brown!" and to my amazement he tossed the coin back.

"Ye see, Passon, this is what all my trouble's about;" she said "Fancy 'avin' to unpack all these grand clothes, and sort 'em as they comes, not knowin' whether they mayn't fall to bits in our 'ands, some of 'em bein' fine as cobwebs, an' such body linen as was never made for any mortal woman in St. Rest, all lace an' silk an' little ribbins!

Mavis noticed her narrow, stooping shoulders, which, although the weather was warm, were covered by a shawl; her long upper lip; her snub nose; also that she wore her right arm in a sling. "Was you waiting to see Mr Poulter particular?" she asked. "I was rather." "'E's 'avin' 'is tea, and and you know what these artists are at meal-time," said the little woman confidentially. "I'm in no hurry.

I'd been doin' orderly at the Battery an' brought down the requisition for so many rounds, an' it bein' the Left'nant's first trip up, an' not knowin' the road 'e 'as me up in front with 'im to show the way. It was an unusual fine mornin' I remember, 'avin' stopped rainin' for almost an hour, an' just as we started somethin' that might 'ave been a sun tried 'is 'ardest to shine.

''Ear, 'ear, cried Harlow. 'That's the bleedin' talk. I wouldn't mind 'avin 'arf a pint now, if somebody else will pay for it. Joe Philpot or as he was usually called, 'Old Joe' was in the habit of indulging freely in the cup that inebriates. He was not very old, being only a little over fifty, but he looked much older.

Say that again about the valley," and the nurse repeated tenderly that promise of incomparable sweetness: Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil, for thou art with me, thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. "It's just like 'avin' mother's 'and to 'old the little silky one," Polly murmured sleepily.

I don't know to this hour wot made me take them plums; but I remember they were such prime big uns, big as eggs they was, and like lumps of gold, with a sort of blue shade over 'em. Father were very partikler about not 'avin' the fruit 'andled and takin' the bloom off, and told me to cover 'em well with leaves.

"Oh, there you are!" said Walden "Well, now what's going to be done?" "Nothin's goin' to be done;" rejoined Bainton stolidly, with his usual inscrutable smile; "Unless m'appen Spruce is 'avin' every bone broke in his body 'fore we gets there. Ye see, he ain't got no written orders like, and mebbe Leach 'ull tell him he's a liar and that Miss Vancourt's instructions is all my eye!"

"I shall buy you a bottle of port wine," said Mavis. "What say?" Mavis repeated her words. "Oh, I say! Fancy me 'avin' port wine! I once 'ad a glass; it did make me feel 'appy." Two days later, in accordance with the contents of a letter she had received from Mrs Farthing, Mavis met the train at Paddington that was to bring her dear Jill from Melkbridge.