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"It seems to be easier than it is, I begin to think," replied Philip. "Well, why don't you go into something? You'll never dig it out of the Astor Library."

Sais he, 'How would you like to take charge of my almighty everlastin' property? "'Delighted! says the goney. "'Well, said Mr Astor, 'I am tired to death looking after it; if you will relieve me and do my work, I'll give you what I get out of it myself. "'Done! said the man, takin' off his hat, and bowin' down to the ground.

Long before Vanderbilt and other of his contemporaries had plucked immense fortunes from steamboat, railroad and street railway enterprises, the Astor, Goelet, and Longworth fortunes were counted in the millions.

So plain was his style of living that, before he became generally known as a wealthy man, a bank clerk once superciliously informed him that his indorsement of a note would not be sufficient, as it was not likely he would be able to pay it in case the bank should be forced to call upon him. "Indeed," said Mr. Astor, "how much do you suppose I am worth?"

Ben went to the reading-room, and, procuring writing-materials, penned the following letter to his uncle: "ASTOR HOUSE, NEW YORK. "DEAR UNCLE JOB: Will you send me the rest of my clothes at once, by express? You may direct to this hotel, where I am now staying.

"Still, since you have brought the topic up, you DID get the good old wardrobe a bit mixed this morning what? I mean to say, you seem absent-mindedly, as it were, to have got hold of samples from a good number of your various suitings." "Suitings? How do you mean, suitings? I haven't any suitings! Who do you think I am? Vincent Astor? All I have is what I stand up in." Archie was shocked.

Undoubtedly it was by these means that Astor became possessed of large tracts of land in Wisconsin and elsewhere in the West. But the methods thus far enumerated were but the precursors of others. When the Indians were made maudlin drunk and bargained with for their furs were they paid in money? By no means. The American Fur Company had another trick in reserve.

You tell your father that I remember him, and that I have given you two thousand dollars." Mr. Astor dearly liked a joke, and occasionally indulged in a sly bit of humor himself. On one occasion a committee called upon him to solicit a donation for some charitable object. The old man took the subscription list, and, after examining it, signed it and gave the committee a check for fifty dollars.

Astor bought Richmond Hill, the estate of Aaron Burr, he gave one thousand dollars an acre for the hundred and sixty acres. Twelve years later, the land was valued at fifteen hundred dollars per lot." In 1810, he sold a lot near Wall Street for eight thousand dollars.

Cleigh laughed amusedly. "How would you go about to steal a yacht like this?" "That's telling. Now I've got to get back to town. My advice for you is to come in to-morrow and put up at the Astor, where I can get in touch with you easily." "Agreed. That's all, Dodge." The Texan departed, and Cunningham burst into laughter again. "You're an interesting man, Cleigh.