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II. We have the humble procession with the shouting disciples and the background of hostile spies. The disciples eagerly caught at the meaning of bringing the colt, and threw themselves with alacrity into what seemed to them preparation for the public assertion of royalty, for which they had long been impatient.

This, of course, is one of the simplest assertions that can be made, and consists merely in assigning a term "blue" the meaning of which has already been agreed upon, to a colour that we appear to see on a wall. The test of the truth of this assertion is a simple one it is true if it corresponds with fact. If the same assertion is made in regard to a red wall, then it is obviously untrue.

This assertion, accurate as it is so far as concerns political influence for Madame de Montespan never exercised any over the government of Louis XIV. is not equally so with regard to the question of beauty. On that head, indeed, the Duchess had her detractors.

Stephen Gwynn a single word on the subject in his "Case for Home Rule," though he makes the large assertion that "there is no country in the world where resources are more undeveloped than those of Ireland." Mr.

How injudicious are those who defend their absent friends, when accused of having disagreeable manners, by saying, as I have often heard persons say "I assure you that he or she can be very agreeable with those he or she likes:" an assertion which, by implying that the person accused did not like those who complained of the bad manner, converts them from simple disapprovers into something approaching to enemies.

My mother could not believe that the highest dignities of the church were ever obtained by such disgraceful means; but my father justified his assertion by pointing out one or two living instances, that had come within the reach of his own knowledge.

In these islands, we are in the habit of regarding mankind as of one species, but a fortnight's steam will land us in a country where divines and savants, for once in agreement, vie with one another in loudness of assertion, if not in cogency of proof, that men are of different species; and, more particularly, that the species negro is so distinct from our own that the Ten Commandments have actually no reference to him.

If she has a baby which happens occasionally, Carley, in spite of your assertion it very soon goes to the kindergarten. Then what does she find to do with hours and hours? If she is not married, what on earth can she find to do?" "She can work," replied Carley, bluntly. "Oh yes, she can, but she doesn't," went on Eleanor. "You don't work. I never did. We both hated the idea.

The birthday celebration served also to disprove the oft-repeated assertion that all women conceal their age, but though Miss Anthony made this frank avowal of her fifty years, there was scarcely a newspaper which did not introduce its comments with the usual silly and threadbare remarks.

But no assertion of force was necessary at all, and one can hardly read the letters and despatches bearing upon the incident without feeling that the proceedings fairly lent themselves to the ridicule which the nimble-witted French officers applied to them.