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Unaccustomed as he was to thinking in the terms of group consciousness, he fell back, naturally, upon the personal aspects of the case. He was sure of one thing Hilmer's contempt and scorn. In what class did Hilmer place himself? Above or below?... But the answer came almost before it was framed Hilmer looked down upon him. That almost told the story, but not quite.

Above all things the speech gave the impression of one who spoke from the inside who knew the subjects of which he was talking, not merely in their general aspects, but in their dark recesses in their latent passion in their awful and appalling depths. It was while this fine speech was being delivered that the other and the darker side of Mr. Chamberlain's nature was to be seen.

Asking for help in its varied form of praise, appreciation and kindness, giving help as appreciation and kindness, are the weak and strong aspects of the fellowship feelings. It is a cynical view of life, perhaps, but it is probably true that the weak phase is more common and more constant than the second.

Of course, under the unconscious influence of Rachel, seen in her kitchen and seen also in various other striking aspects during the exciting night, he might have bravely exposed the iniquity of the petty-cash book to Jim Horrocleave, and cleared his conscience, and then gone and confessed to Rachel, and thus prepared the way for the inner peace and a new life.

The lieutenant had had, all his life, the great art of choosing his enemies; and when he had found them implacable and invincible, it was when he had not been able, under any pretense, to make them otherwise. But points of view change greatly in the course of a life. It is a magic lantern, of which the eye of man every year changes the aspects.

When crimes and sins, affairs of state and affairs of church thus overlap and commingle in primitive jurisprudence, it is no wonder if the functions of those who administer the law should tend to display a similar fusion of aspects.

In fact, a large part of the study of reproduction of plants and animals in courses of biology in schools and colleges has its value chiefly in the overwhelming evidence that problems of sex and reproduction are natural and dignified aspects of life. Such biological study determines attitude in no small degree.

The world is regarded less as a battlefield of principles than as a theatre for the display of natural forces. No one god assumes lordship over the others but all are seen to be interchangeablemere names and aspects of something which is greater than any god.

Bahá’u’lláh has said it is not good for a sane man to take that which will destroy his health and sense. The religion of God has two aspects in this world. The formal side changes, as man changes from age to age. The spiritual side which is the Truth, never changes.

Puritanism raised itself as a barrier against the creative force both in its higher and lower aspects: against art, and against vice; probably the best thing that could happen under the circumstances; and the reason why England recovered so much sooner than did Italy. But to return: Sculpture, then, came later than poetry to Greece; and in some ways it was a more sudden and astounding birth.