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She left him; and, finding himself alone, he crossed the sward and sat down in a group of farmers who were discussing crops and planting. That evening after supper Saunders and Mostyn were on the veranda smoking together. The exchange of remarks was formal, even forced and awkward. Presently Saunders said: "I saw Leach looking for you at the arbor. Did you run across him?"

The guide told us these things, and he would hardly try so hazardous an experiment as the telling of a falsehood, when it is all he can do to speak the truth in English without getting the lock-jaw. In another place we were shown a sort of summer arbor, with a fence before it. We said that was nothing.

Do you remember the night in the old Thaine home in Virginia when you were our guest too sick to dance?" she asked. Asher caught her arm and drew her to the seat beside him. "I remember the jessamine vines and the arbor at the end of the rose garden." "We are not old until we forget our own romance days," Virginia said. "You were my hero that night. You are my hero still."

We were eating breakfast at the table set out under the arbor, back of the Coleridge cottage Grace, Myrtle, White Pigeon and I. Grace and Myrtle were the Grand Rapids girls, and fine girls, too pink and twenty, with diaries and autograph-fans. Girls of that age are charming, but they only interest me as do beautiful kittens or colts. Women do not become wise or discreet until they are past thirty.

However, he was not afraid of anything any one might say to him; and if a certain subject was broached, he had something to say himself. "Yes," said he; "do you prefer indoors or out of doors?" "Out of doors, if it suits," replied the visitor, "for I would like to take a smoke." "I am with you there," said the captain, as he led the way to the little arbor. Here Mr.

All appeared to enjoy themselves, especially the children, dancing on the esplanades, or rolling down the slopes of the hills; and the loving pairs, whom it was rather embarrassing to come upon unexpectedly, sitting together on the stone seat of an arbor, with clasped hands, a passionate solemnity in the young man's face, and a downcast pleasure in the lady's.

By finely succeeding degrees, her eyelids began to show a tendency downward; her truant needle-work escaped from her fingers, and lay lazily on her lap. She snatched it up with a start, and sewed with severe resolution until her thread was exhausted. The reel was ready at her side; she took it up for a fresh supply, and innocently rested her head against the leafy and flowery wall of the arbor.

Two or three times a week, when it was fine, we drank our coffee in a cool shady arbor behind the house, that I had decorated with hops, and which was very refreshing during the heat; we usually passed an hour in viewing our flowers and vegetables, or in conversation relative to our manner of life, which greatly increased the pleasure of it.

And away they went to the rest of the company, who were scattered along the arbor benches by twos and threes. "I saw you in your boat when I first came up the river," Betty found time to say. "I didn't know who you were then, though I was sure you were one of the boys whom I used to play with. Some time when Nelly is going down couldn't you take me too? I can row." "Nelly would go if you would.

Even the yellow cats of Miss Camilla's famous breed, inheriting the love of their ancestors for following the steps of their mistress, came presently between the box rows with the soft, sly glide of the jungle, and established themselves for a siesta on the arbor bench.