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Language, again, has often spread along lines other than those of race, and its investigation appertains to the sphere of the philologist. Material civilisation, too, has not of necessity followed the lines either of racial or of linguistic development, and the search for its ancient trade-routes may be safely left to the archaeologist.

The judge replied, "At your instance I cannot relax the extreme sentence of the law." He said: "In what you ordered you spoke justly. Nevertheless, whoever steals a portion of any property dedicated to alms must not suffer the forfeiture of his hand, for a religious mendicant is not the proprietor of anything; and whatever appertains to dervishes is devoted to the necessitous."

We have had men, for example, who fancied themselves chickens. The cure was, to insist upon the thing as a fact to accuse the patient of stupidity in not sufficiently perceiving it to be a fact and thus to refuse him any other diet for a week than that which properly appertains to a chicken. In this manner a little corn and gravel were made to perform wonders."

I leaned forward and kissed her hand with deep devotion then the ancient servitor came in and she was called to a ward but I left feeling that if there is really some barrier of family between Alathea and me there would be no use in my appealing to the Duchesse Sorrows she understands and war and suffering and self-sacrifice Love she understands and passion and all that appertains thereto but all these things go to the wall before the conception of the meaning of noblesse oblige which ruled when Adelaide de Mont Orgeuil wedded the Duc de Courville-Hautevine, in the eighties!

I do not propose to discuss all these various aspects, for indeed I have no suggestions to offer which are in the least likely to be helpful, but I seek rather to ascertain whether the phenomena which we have explored bear any relation to the problem as a whole; whether, that is to say, the competition for territory and all that appertains to it can have supplied the conditions under which, in the process of time, this complex and definite mode of behaviour has evolved.

The greatest portion of the population of this island consists of Chinese, who perform all the manual labour, and engross all the retail trade. On the 11th of October we saw the small island of Pulo-Rondo, which appertains to Sumatra. We now took the shortest line across the Bay of Bengal, and beheld land no more until we came in sight of Ceylon.

If Mâyâ appertains to Brahman, if it exists by his will, then why is it an evil, why is release to be desired? Ought not the individual souls to serve Brahman's purpose, and would not it be better served by living gladly in the phenomenal world than by passing beyond it? But such an idea has rarely satisfied Indian thinkers.

For, in fact, the art which belongs to the imagination is often purest in an early age; but that which appertains to the reason and intellect is slow before it attains mature strength and manly judgment, Among these students was early trained and tutored the thoughtful mind of Euripides; and hence that art which in Sophocles was learned in more miscellaneous and active circles, and moulded by a more powerful imagination, in Euripides often sickens us with the tricks of a pleader, the quibbles of a schoolman, or the dullness of a moralizing declaimer.

And, although the holiness of the highest created being will always fall infinitely short of that of the Infinite God, as regards quantity, it will be the same <i>in quality</i>, for Jesus tells us, "Be ye perfect even as your Father in heaven is perfect," not, of course, with the unmeasurable amount of perfection which appertains to Him, but with the same kind of perfection so far as it goes.

"I must be going back. They will miss me." "Don't you think I shall miss you, Beauty?" "I don't know. I haven't thought." "If you knew how miserable I'll be after you have left me, you'd kiss me once before you go." "Don't ask me, I can't I really can't, Mr. Jonathan." "Hang Mr. Jonathan and all that appertains to him!