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She said I should not be needing it, and that they were likely to move." "Get on to the Duchesse de Courville-Hautevine as quickly as you can ." Burton did so at once, but it seemed a long time. No, Madame la Duchesse was down at Hautevine taking some fresh convalescents, and would not return until the middle of the week if then! I nearly swore aloud .

She was subdued now, the programme was not very formidable, except that it contained daily companionship with me. "Have you told the Duchesse de Courville-Hautevine yet that we are engaged?" I asked after a moment's pause. Discomfort grew in her manner. "No." "Do you think that she will not approve of the marriage?" "She may not." "Perhaps you would rather that I told her?" "As you please."

The entail had been cut in the generation before and the title became extinct at his death. I did not tell Burton then of my discovery, and lay long hours in the dark, thinking and thinking. What did the Duchesse's attitude mean? In the eyes of the Duchesse de Courville-Hautevine, neé Adelaide de Mont Orgeuil to cheat at cards would be the worst of all the cardinal sins.

I leaned forward and kissed her hand with deep devotion then the ancient servitor came in and she was called to a ward but I left feeling that if there is really some barrier of family between Alathea and me there would be no use in my appealing to the Duchesse Sorrows she understands and war and suffering and self-sacrifice Love she understands and passion and all that appertains thereto but all these things go to the wall before the conception of the meaning of noblesse oblige which ruled when Adelaide de Mont Orgeuil wedded the Duc de Courville-Hautevine, in the eighties!