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There was indeed a sweetness in working at a task as she had worked to learn to ride in Western fashion. Every turn of her mind seemed to confront her with sobering antitheses of thought. Why had she come to love to ride down a lonely desert road, through ragged cedars where the wind whipped her face with fragrant wild breath, if at the same time she hated the West?

By this introduction philosophy in both Britain and America has greatly gained. Despite these facts, John Caird's Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion, 1880, is still only a religious philosophy. It is not a philosophy of religion. His Fundamental Ideas of Christianity, 1896, hardly escapes the old antitheses among which theological discussion moved, say, thirty years ago.

The antithesis of body and spirit is one of the most remarkable and dangerous of all antitheses. It has played an important part in history. Only by comparing ourselves, as men, with other rational beings, could we know what we truly are, what position we occupy. The history of Christ is as surely poetry as it is history. And, in general, only that history is history which might also be fable.

It is a perpetual insult to mediocrity; its every word is a trespass against somebody's vested ideas, blasphemy against somebody's O'm, or intangible private truth. What is the use of my weighing out antitheses in this way, like a rhetorical grocer?

All this is done by living organisms, all this is the expression in them ofLife.” What is it? Whence comes it? And how can it be explained? The problem of the nature of life, of the principle of vitality, is almost as old as philosophy itself, and from the earliest times in which men began to ponder over the problem, the same antitheses have been apparent which we find to-day.

Unabashed by detection, insensible to contempt, he details his epigrams and antitheses against Catilines and Cromwells with as much self-sufficiency as when, in the same tinsel eloquence, he promulgated the murderous edicts of Robespierre. But, amidst these appearances of justice, a versatility of principle, or rather an evident tendency to the decried system, is perceptible.

That is a mighty 'But, which buckles into one sentence two such antitheses as confront us here. 'We know not what to do, but our eyes are upon Thee' blessed is the desperation which catches at God's hand; firm is the trust which leaps from despair! The helplessness is always a fact, though most of us manage to get along for the most part without discovering it.

They seek for agreeable sentiments, rather than probable ones; they use more frequent digressions, intermingle tales and fables, employ more shewy metaphors, and work them into their discourses with as much fancy and variety as a painter does his colours; and they abound in contrasts and antitheses, and in similar and corresponding cadences.

Through all changes of condition and experience man continues to be a citizen of the world of idea as well as the world of fact, and the tax-gatherers of both are punctual. And these antitheses which we meet with in individual character we cannot help seeing on the larger stage of the world also, a moral accompanying a material development.

If there were no light in the world, you could not conceive of darkness, for we know things philosophically by their antitheses. We know, for example, that poverty is the lack of wealth. Where there is no knowledge, there is no ignorance. What is ignorance? It is the absence of knowledge.