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"He was very weary from his heavy Campaign in Cleveland, but, in spite of this, to me he seemed at his best. He spent no time in angling to get into sympathetic touch with them, but with the precision of a bullet he made direct for the conscience of every man and woman there. Talk about 'naked truth, 'judgment, 'daylight, 'straight preaching. We had it that night, as I never heard it before.

The brilliant life of the culture-warrior was closing in gloom wife, child, health, money, almost reputation, gone: the nemesis of genius. At one point a lady strove to concentrate attention upon herself by accusing herself of faults of character. Even Maimon understood she was angling for compliments.

And as he walked east along the stream where the valley began to narrow, he saw a man sitting on the bank fishing with an angle, and when he drew near, the man turned about, and saw him. Then he lays down his angling rod and rises to his feet, and stands facing Ralph, looking sheepish, with his hands hanging down by his sides; and Ralph, who was thinking of other folk, wondered what he would.

As to the tackle which is made ready, there is, as in most angling matters, divergence of opinion.

A man's intrinsic merit does not arise from an ennobled alliance, or a reputable acquaintance. A rich man never borrows. When angling for praise, modesty is the surest bait. If we would wish to shine in any particular character, we must never affect that character.

Yet he never visited Paris that he did not experience the most exasperating difficulties in making himself understood by the French customs officers. In like manner I am a fender-fisherman. With my shins toasting before a roaring fire, and with Judge Methuen at my side, I love to exploit the joys and the glories of angling.

"What right have you to ask?" "I am a keeper of the river. Where is your card?" "It is in my pocket. But pardon my curiosity, where is YOUR card?" This question appeared to paralyse him. He had probably never been asked for his card before. He went lumbering off in the darkness, muttering "My card? Unheard of! MY card!" The routine of angling at Ischl was varied by an excursion to the Lake of St.

"She might not like to have the son of the man for whom she is angling to pay attention to her seamstress, is what you were going to say?" Ray interposed, laughing, yet with a look of annoyance sweeping over his fine face. "Something like it, perhaps," Mona responded, flushing again.

Woodford actually detected a hook suspended from a horsehair descending in the direction of his big horn spectacles, and quietly moving across to frustrate the attempt, she unearthed Peregrine on a chair angling from behind the window curtain. She did not speak, but fixed her calm eyes on him with a look of sad, grave disappointment as she wound up the line.

The proprietor, a rather distinguished-looking mulatto, despite his old clothes and plantation straw-hat, was sitting in a chair at his cabin door, angling; his white wife was leaning over him lovingly, as we shot into the scene, but at once withdrew inside.