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Groome might be compelled therefore to look at new people in the homes of her friends even her proud daughter, Mrs. Abbott, had unaccountably surrendered to the meretricious glitter of Burlingame but she would not meet them, she would not permit Alexina to cross their thresholds, nor should the best of them ever cross her own.

All the little social world was there that evening. Alexina recalled many of the girls and the older women; of the older men she knew a few, but of the younger only one could she remember as knowing.

She was my only friend in this damn family, and I coveted her money so little that I wish she could have lived on for twenty years." "I wondered how you liked them as time went on." He brought his teeth together and thrust out his jaw. "I hate the whole pack of superior patronizing condescending snobs, and it is all I can do to keep it from Alexina, who thinks her tribe perfection.

But he would do better in the long run as a clerk. In time he might get a large salary as a sort of general director of all the routine business of some large house " Alexina curled her lip. "I do not want him to be a clerk." "No, of course you don't! But you'd like it still less if he cleaned you out.

Alexina was used to San Francisco in all her many moods, but to-night, the wind and the high gray fog shutting out the stars, the silent house silent that is but for the mice playing innocently between the walls her complete solitude, made her restless and a little nervous. What could she do? She knew quite well that she had wanted to go to see Gora for a week.

Certainly he had stood still. Or was that merely the fault of the hard times? She had heard other men complain as bitterly. "Fate handed you a lemon, old girl." Alexina could almost hear Aileen's mocking voice. She even gave a startled glance down the quiet avenue. Well, she would never discuss him with Aileen or any one else. Did she love him any longer? Had she ever loved him? What was love?

Their kindness, indeed, was only equalled by their ceaseless curiosity, and had they ever waited for the answers of Iduna to their questions, the daughter of Hunniades might, perhaps, have been somewhat puzzled to reconcile her responses with probability. Helena answered the questions of Alexina; Lais anticipated even Helena.

He might be modest and rather diffident in manner, owing to racial shyness, but he had a fine sustaining substructure of sheer masculine arrogance. As he walked forward swiftly Alexina turned; and immediately was the young thing of eighteen and of the early twentieth century.

We are going to study with him just to find out what these strange animals called socialists are like. He is queer enough, to begin, with. And the knowledge may prove useful one of these days....If you won't give me one I'll send James out " Mortimer handed over one of his choice cigars with ill grace, and Alexina returned to the library. Aileen was informing Mr.

She drew it close and sat down, her eyes on the face on the pillow. Jewels gleamed in the lace of her gown, and the shining silk of its folds trailed the floor about her. Alexina stole across to a far and shadowed corner of the room and sat down by a table. She was crying and striving to keep it noiseless. The doctor stood irresolute, then made a movement.