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She held long conversations with Gwendolyn, taking the part of Albertina, on the subject of this snobbishness of attitude. "Lots of people in New York have to live in little teny, weeny rooms, Albertina," she would say. "Rents are perfectly awful here.

It is such an unexampled, gruesome, abominable deed that we have been sitting here ever since it was brought to our attention, wringing our hands in vain attempt to make up our minds as to what course we should pursue.” Fräulein Jasmina and Fräulein Albertina nodded their heads in sadness and without looking up.

The influence of his instructor is plain, when we compare engravings executed about 1504 with those published at a previous date, and especially when we examine his design of the Passion of our Lord painted in white upon a green ground, commonly known as "The Green Passion," which is treasured in the Albertina at Prague.

The little girl held up her face as if it could beat through the panes on it. "I thought," she said slowly, "that after Albertina I wouldn't take anything from anybody. Uncle Peter says that I'm just as good as anybody, even if I have been out to work. He said that all I had to do was just to stand up to people." "There are a good many different ways of standing up to people, Eleanor.

Raphael could scarcely have done better; besides, there is an air of sincerity, a stamp of popular truth in this episode which lies beyond Raphael's sphere. It reminds us rather of Tintoretto. The "Assumption of the Magdalen" for which fresco there is a valuable cartoon in the Albertina Collection at Turin must have been a fine picture; but it is ruined now.

It isn't stylish to have cake and pie and pudding all at one meal. Poor Grandpa would starve. He eats pie for his breakfast, but if I told anybody they would laugh. If I wrote Albertina what folks eat in New York she would laugh. "Uncle Jimmie is teaching me to like salud. He laughs when I cut up lettice and put sugar on it. He teaches me to like olives and dried up sausages and sour crought.

She reviewed sorrowfully her many arguments with Albertina Albertina in the flesh that is on the subject of bottled drinks in general, and decided that again that virtuous child was right in her condemnation of any drink, however harmless in appearance or nomenclature, that bore the stigma of a bottled label.

The Albertina bronze is one of the most precious portraits of antiquity, not merely because it confirms the testimony of the green basalt bust in the Capitol, but also because it supplies an even more emphatic and impressive illustration to the narrative of Suetonius. Caligula is here represented as young and singularly beautiful.

The papers on which he was just then engaged soon put his thoughts into another channel, for he had to occupy himself with glancing over the correspondence between Sophia Albertina in Stockholm and her married cousin Ulrica Leonora at Råbäck in the years 1705-10.

I don't see why you can't answer the child's question." "I don't know as I'm obligated to answer any questions that anybody sees fit to put to me." "Well, I be. Albertina, pass me my glasses from off the mantel-tree-shelf, and that letter sticking out from behind the clock and I'll read what she says." Albertina, with a reproachful look at Mr.