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Air-raids were, however, one of the horrors of war rather than a means of achieving victory, and the military importance of aircraft never attained proportions corresponding to the space the subject occupied in the public press and the popular mind.

And a mercy, I always think. For what we should have done with him in the air-raids, I don't know." "Ah!" said Soames. "What did you do with him?" "We just left him in his bed, and had the bell run down into the cellar, so that Cook and I could hear him if he rang. It would never have done to let him know there was a war on. As I said to Cook, 'If Mr.

And the vaults and upper floors of the Royal College of Surgeons were at Rossiter's disposal, with Professor Keith to co-operate. Never had his house in Portland Place to be accurate the Park Crescent end thereof seemed so conveniently situated, or its studio-laboratory so well designed. "Air-raids? Pooh! Just about one chance in a million we should be struck.

I have seen huts back of the lines away from danger of air-raids that could have their windows wide open, and I have seen the light pouring in a flood out of these windows, a constant invitation to thousands of American boys.

We were compelled to remain in our tents during a raid and there was no possibility of taking shelter. We could have put on our steel helmets they would at least have afforded some head protection, but hardly any of us had the courage to do anything that might be regarded by the others as a sign of fear. The discussion about the bombing of hospitals had made us all think of air-raids.

I expect he will be asking you." Jolyon smiled. "This promises to take the place of air-raids," he said. "After all, one misses them." Irene looked up at him. "We've known it would come some day." He answered her with sudden energy: "I could never stand seeing Jon blame you. He shan't do that, even in thought. He has imagination; and he'll understand if it's put to him properly.

This disability also applied to the aeroplane, and there was something very childish in the persistent assumptions that Entente air-raids were not only exclusively aimed at, but invariably successful in achieving military damage even when the French boasted of having on 22 September dropped thirty bombs on the King of Württemburg's palace at Stuttgart and that the Germans always projected civilian destruction and never succeeded in effecting anything else.

He mounted the stairs rather quickly, with firm, disdaining steps, and, despite his being a little out of breath, he had a tremendous triumph over the stolidity of Marthe when she answered his ring. Marthe screamed, and in the scream readjusted her views concerning air-raids.

Peter found it very good to be there in the days that followed the death of Jenks. True, it was now nearer to the seat of war than it had been for years, and air-raids began to be common, but in a sense the sound of the guns fitted in with his mood.

They contend that because the Germans kill innocent civilians, and women, and little children in English streets, Englishmen are to commit the same foul deeds in Germany. "It is hard," says the Church Times, "to say whether futility or immorality is the more striking characteristic of the present clamour for reprisals in the matter of air-raids.... Mr.