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When she hailed us I ran and fetched Affonzo the master. The rest I charge to his folly. It was he who handed her up the ship's side. How the dog came on board I know not: only that I leaned over the bulwarks to have a look at him, but heard a pattering noise, and there he was on deck behind me and close beside his mistress.

"The tall man with the chain cried out that he was mayor or provost I forget which and the woman must be given up as a proved witch who had laid the wickedest spells upon many citizens of Dunquerque. All this he had to shout; for Affonzo, who either ignorantly or by choice was already on Satan's side, would not suffer him to come aboard or even nigh the ship's ladder.

Indeed his face had nothing to commend him, being sharp and yellow, with small eyes set too near against the nose. "Your name?" my Master demanded of him too. "Affonzo Cabral," he answered, and plunged into a long tale of the loss of his ship and how it happened.

"At all this Affonzo scoffed, threatening to sink the boat if further troubled with their importunities. And, the provost using threats in return, he gave order to let weigh incontinently and clear with the tide, which by this was turned to ebb. And so, amid curses which we answered by display of our guns, we stood out from that port. Of the master's purpose I make no guess.

The boat and rower had vanished under the ship's stern, as I supposed, but now I have my doubts. I saw no more of them, anyhow. "By this time Affonzo was reading her letter. The crowd by the water's edge had found a boat at length how, I know not; but it was a very little one, holding but six men besides the one rower, and then over-laden.

It is her doing, I tell you. It is she who has killed that fool Affonzo. She is a witch!" He fell back on the straw, his strength spent, but still beat weakly with his fists, gasping "Witch witch!" "Hush!" said I. "You are light-headed with your hurt. Lie quiet and let me tend it." "As for my hurt," he answered, "your tending it will do no good.

They pulled towards us and hailed just as the lady took the master's promise and went down to seek her cabin: and one of the men stood up, a tall gentleman with a chain about his neck. Affonzo went to the side to parley with him.

Within an hour we met with the weather which after three days drove us ashore. Now whether Affonzo suspected her true nature or not as I know he had taken a great fear of her I never had time to discover. But I know her for a witch, and for a witch I tried to make away with her. For the rest, may God pardon me!"