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Chiefly they suggested one outstanding reflection, that stage-dancing is not like those advertised breakfast foods that can be served up after three minutes' preparation. Half a life-time, or rather half a youth- time is a much more satisfactory allowance." "The Standard is prejudiced," said Cicely; "some of the other papers are quite enthusiastic.

Such unamiable reluctance to sell advertised but one thing to him, and he was aware of a great relief when Hootchinoo Bill sank snoring to the floor, and he was free to turn his attention to his less intractable partner. Kink Mitchell was persuadable, though a poor mathematician.

Why, say, when I got to the spot where I picked her up, and stopped the train for her to get off, she just flopped down on her knees, got a hammerlock with her arms around my knees, and cried all over my shoes. What was I to do?" With no perceptible movement that I was aware of, Mrs. Jones advertised her certitude of knowledge of what SHE would have done.

There is a story that tells of a man who advertised for a coachman, and three men answered the advertisement. They all made a good appearance, and the man was at a loss to know which one to choose. Finally he hit upon this scheme. There was a road near his house that ran along the edge of a precipice.

When I was at the very last gasp, and nothing in the world could save me but a rich uncle, this Hungarian Nabob, this Plutus, one night crammed himself up to the very throat with plover's eggs, and died early in the morning. I was immediately advertised of the fact." "And so I suppose you have come hither to take over the rich inheritance without delay?"

So it was that he did not sit down under the banyan tree, but trotted along at the far rear of the tribe. With his nose he read the narrative of the flight. Only once did he encounter what advertised its terror. It was an entire group annihilated by a shell.

It had belonged to a celebrated actress who had married an Englishman of title, and on her death it had been advertised for sale. Billie Brookton, who "adored" jewels, and whose birthstone conveniently was the diamond, had been "dying for it." "She was not superstitious," she said, "about dead people's things."

"Jane and myself were with him in the Secret Service during the last year of the war." "He got us the job," Jane interpolated. She was a big, bonny girl with broad shoulders, steady blue eyes and a complexion that would have advertised any health resort. "Cook kicks herself that she wasn't in that show." It was at this point Mrs. Barraclough came into the room. "Kicks herself!

Lanyard stared unaffectedly at the girl, unable to disguise his wonder at the high spirits advertised by her rekindled colour and brilliant eyes. "Well?" she demanded gaily. "Don't tell me I don't look like a fright! I know I do!" "I daren't tell you how you look to me," Lanyard replied soberly. "But I will say this, that for sheer, down right pluck, you " "Thank you, monsieur! And you?"

The General did not refer to his counselors, or the congress that is in the background and advertised as if it were a new force. The words of the interpreter for him were: "The General says the priests to whom objection is made, and with whom we have a mortal quarrel, are not our own priests, but the Spaniards' and those of the orders. We respect the Catholic church.