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None of Livingstone's predecessors equalled the achievements of this Scottish missionary and explorer, who combined with his zeal in the cause of religion and humanity a spirit of investigation and adventure that made him also the servant of science, the "advance-agent" of discovery, settlement, and civilization.

We'll stand them on their heads to-morrow night see if we don't." Then he handed the bursting envelope of notices to Diotti, who listlessly put them on the table at his side. "Too tired to read, eh?" said Perkins, and then with the advance-agent instinct strong within him he selected a clipping, and touching the violinist on the shoulder: "Let me read this one to you. It is by Herr Totenkellar.

His profession, if he had one, was submerged in his hobby, which consisted of being an advance-agent for small happenings or possible happenings that were or seemed imminent in the social world around him; he found a perpetual and unflagging satisfaction in acquiring and retailing any stray items of gossip or information, particularly of a matrimonial nature, that chanced to come his way.

She wants excitement, and after the summer folks began to leave, and we'd been to Florida for a winter, and then came back to Lion's Head-well! This planet hasn't got excitement enough in it for that girl, and I doubt if the solar system has. At any rate, I'm not going to act as advance-agent for her."

The days went by, and Henry George wrote to Trump, "I am advance-agent for the stork." Now storks bring love and hope and care, and anxious days and sleepless nights. Henry George's domestic affairs had steadied his bark, and while his relatives in Philadelphia thought he carried an excess of Romish ballast, it was all for the best.

Réal, who was immediately informed of it, immediately sent Querelle, whom he was carefully keeping in prison to use in case of need, and he at once recognised the corpse to be that of Raoul Gaillard, called Houvel, or Saint-Vincent, the friend of d'Aché, the principal advance-agent of Georges.

"Who is he, sir, exactly, this Dr. Fu-Manchu?" "I have only the vaguest idea, Inspector; but he is no ordinary criminal. He is the greatest genius which the powers of evil have put on earth for centuries. He is the advance-agent of a movement so epoch-making that not one Britisher, and not one American, in fifty thousand has ever dreamed of it."

She's a dear good thing, and will do anything she's told, or try to; but can you imagine her doing a flying leap under any circumstances?" "She can be Cassandra, and she need only take flying leaps into the future, in a metaphorical sense." "Cassandra; rather a pretty name. What kind of character is she?" "She was a sort of advance-agent for calamities. To know her was to know the worst.

"Only shows how much we owe the growing education of the masses to the drama. Talk of the press, the pulpit, the schoolroom " "I believe he was quoting an advertisement," interpolated Austin. "An ad., eh?" said the mummer, somewhat disconcerted. "Oh, well, I shouldn't be surprised. Of course I have nothing to do with such things. That's the business of the advance-agent.