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When school was dismissed that afternoon and the master had remained to show Rupert Filgee how to prepare Uncle Ben's tasks, and had given his final instructions to his youthful vicegerent, that irascible Adonis unburdened himself querulously: "Is Cressy McKinstry comin' reg'lar, Mr. Ford?" "She is," said the master dryly. After a pause he asked, "Why?"

Go, Adonis, and the next time you come here, do not bring messages from women. Fadrique!" "Your Highness burned the letter without reading it?" "Yes. Fadrique!" "I am sorry," said the dwarf, in a low voice. No more words were spoken, and in a few moments there was deep silence, for they were all gone, and Dolores was alone, locked into the little room.

In this investigation, I could not, I thought, do better, than keep before me the earliest work of the greatest genius, that perhaps human nature has yet produced, our myriad-minded Shakespeare. I mean the VENUS AND ADONIS, and the LUCRECE; works which give at once strong promises of the strength, and yet obvious proofs of the immaturity, of his genius.

You will oblige me by going as fully as possible into all the details. I shall not pass judgment on you until I've heard all of your story." Algernon Adonis Percival, civil and mining engineer, Cornell, had gone through certain rather harsh stages of development in the mines of Montana and later in the perilous districts of Northern Mexico.

I shall always like him, I know," her little reason being, that he was the friend and champion of George. "There's not a finer fellow in the service," Osborne said, "nor a better officer, though he is not an Adonis, certainly."

With a quick move, at the signal for a change, Antonio was whirling off with the nun, and Psyche was left without a partner. But a few moments later Antonio came back to her. "I just wanted to see if I could make the little nun dance," he whispered, "and I did all the way off the platform, for she's gone." "She is standing there by the side of Adonis," replied Psyche directly.

In a Word, Sir, when I was a young Woman, all who avoided the Vices of the Age were very carefully educated, and all fantastical Objects were turned out of our Sight. The Tapestry Hangings, with the great and venerable Simplicity of the Scripture Stories, had better Effects than now the Loves of Venus and Adonis or Bacchus and Ariadne in your fine present Prints.

It was all very well for Venus to make the promise, but when making it she knew that Adonis would not keep her to her word. Let any lightest-limbed nymph try it, and she will find that she leaves most palpable footing.

He chose as a foundation for his work those laments of Bion for Adonis, and of Moschus for Bion, which are the most pathetic products of Greek idyllic poetry; and the transmutation of their material into the substance of highly spiritualized modern thought, reveals the potency of a Prospero's wand.

"Ah! yes," exclaimed Waldemar, smiling, with that savage gleam of his eyes; "but those are not women, and the people who made them have left as the tales of Endymion, Adonis, Anchises: a goddess might sit for them."... May 5, 1887.