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Yet he could not keep silence this time; her behaviour had transgressed the bounds of propriety too far. So he summoned up his courage, and, with a "What I was going to say," began to speak of the admirable officer whom he had brought into his house.

The large bells and drums fill the ear; The various dances are grandly performed . We have the admirable visitors , who are pleased and delighted. From of old, before our time, The former men set us the example; How to be mild and humble from morning to night, And to be reverent in discharging the service. Neither can we tell by which of the kings of Shang this ode was first used.

Christie felt that she was now receiving the best culture, acquiring the polish that society gives, and makes truly admirable when character adds warmth and power to its charm. The presence of her bosom-care calmed the old unrest, softened her manners, and at times touched her face with an expression more beautiful than beauty.

But rude as was his procedure, admirable as were his military dispositions, there is abundant evidence of his consciousness that ultimately he must reckon with the national pride of a people which, though crushed to earth, was eager to rise again.

She has admirable sense and is an excellent housekeeper; she is fond of me, which speaks well for her character. Through her affection for me she has also developed a taste for literature. She possesses my books and is always reading them; she even learns them by heart. When I am to make a speech in court, she is all anxiety; when I have made it, she is all joy.

Gilmore's features were under such admirable control that they betrayed nothing of what was passing in his mind. "Stuff!" he ejaculated at last, disdainfully. "You think I lie, boss?" cried Montgomery, in an intense whisper. "You know best about that," said Gilmore quietly. "He come so close to me I could feel his breath in my face!

Quiet to the verge of solemnity, but with McCloud following, Dicksie walked with admirable firmness out of the shop to the curb. McCloud gave her rein to her, and with a smile stood waiting to help her mount. She was drawing on her second glove. "You are not going with me." "You'll let me ride the same road, won't you even if I can't keep up?" Dicksie looked at his mount.

Her face showed plain signs, poor soul, of a wakeful and tearful night. But she claimed no indulgence on that account. When she spoke of her dead husband excepting a slight unsteadiness in her voice she controlled herself with a courage which was at once pitiable and admirable to see. "You both know," she began, "that Mr. Wagner was a man who thought for himself.

The rose-covered cottage of Charles Langholm's dreams, which could not have come true in a more charming particular, stood on a wooded hill at the back of a village some three miles from Normanthorpe. It was one of two cottages under the same tiled roof, and in the other there lived an admirable couple who supplied all material wants of the simple life which the novelist led when at work.

It will serve also to illustrate more fully the principles by which I have been guided in reference to two contested points in our public policy which were earliest in their development and have been more important in their consequences than any that have arisen under our complicated and difficult, yet admirable, system of government. I allude to a national debt and a national bank.