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Therefore I ask him: has one the right to spoil a Bambara cook by addling his head with theological discussions for which he has no predisposition?" "Alas!" the pastor replied sadly. "You are mistaken. He has only too strong a propensity to controversy." "Koukou is a good-for-nothing who uses Colas' cow as an excuse for doing nothing and letting our scallops burn," declared the Hetman.

Bryant, in his very learned 'Mythology, mentions an analogous source of error, when he says that 'although the Pagan fables are not believed, yet we forget ourselves continually, and make inferences from them as existing realities. With the algebraists, however, who are Pagans themselves, the 'Pagan fables' are believed, and the inferences are made, not so much through lapse of memory, as through an unaccountable addling of the brains.

This nettled her and gave her occasional nightmare moments of doubt as to the real fitness of women for public affairs. She read feverishly all she could find on the subject, ending by addling her brains to the point of frenzy.

Not I. I let you go round and round; I turned you and twisted you, the oftener the better for me, till at last I got it into your pretty head that turning and twisting was addling your brains, and you had better let me be master. "You've minded me from that day, haven't you?

"It's a Latin grammar, my friend," said he, meekly. "And what in the world do you want to be addling your brains with a Latin grammar for, when there's other need for your eyes?" "Aren't we to be enrolled at the Capitol in June as Roman Senators with all the ancient honours, cum titubis it is so cum titubis, which are psalters or pshawms?" "Well, what then?"

She could detect the underlying note of resentment in his voice, and she entered the house meditating thoughtfully upon the amazing short-sightedness evinced by elderly gentlemen in regard to the upbringing of their heirs. "Ann's the best pal Tony could possibly have, so, for goodness' sake, be content with that and don't get addling your brains by trying to marry her off to him.

He held his brother by the arm and declared himself anything but indifferent to him, but he owned that he did not love noise and revelry, above all on Sunday. "Thou art addling thy brains with preachings!" said Stephen. "Pray Heaven they make not a heretic of thee. But thou mightest for once have come to mine own feast."

The day had closed down in brilliance upon the city and the voice of the milkman was to be heard in the land when he trudged, still briskly if a trifle wearily, into Holborn, and held on eastward across the Viaduct and down Newgate Street; the while addling his weary wits with heart-sickening computations of minutes, all going hopelessly to prove that he would be late, far too late even presupposing the unlikely.

People are quite cracked about her out here. I don't think you'll ever get her back at the East again, Mrs. Worthington. There seems a strong determination on the part of several persons to keep her here." "What do you mean?" But Mrs. Hope, who believed in the old proverb about not addling eggs by meddling with them prematurely, refused to say another word.

Denis remarked: "He told me that dog was sick the other morning, just like Keith." "It had probably been eating something. I suppose they couldn't be unwell, could they? What a heat, Denis! It's addling my old brains. More slowly, please." An hour went by. Fatigue was beginning to tell upon Mr. Heard.